Gujarat Weather Update
The first 40 degrees for Ahmedabad likely soon, may cross the threshold of 41 degrees
March 25, 2021
Gujarat sizzle again, heatwave likely by the weekend
March 24, 2021
Heatwave to abate from Gujarat, light showers also likely
March 17, 2021
Morning winter chill to make a comeback over Delhi and North-West India
February 28, 2021
Gujarat remains hot and dry amidst unseasonal weather over suburb states
February 15, 2021
Cold wave to continue over Gujarat, witnessed a sharp drop in minimums
January 24, 2021
Cold snap sneaks into Gujarat, season's lowest single-digit temperature recorded
December 29, 2020
[Hindi] गुजरात में उत्तर भारत के पहाड़ों से पहुंची बर्फीली हवाओं के चलते तापमान में भारी गिरावट, कई इलाकों पर शीतलहर का शिकंजा
December 29, 2020
Gujarat to continue with double-digit temperature, extreme cold unlikely
December 21, 2020
Gujarat turns in to heat island, no respite may go worse
May 10, 2020
Comfortable days over for Gujarat, scorching heat to take over
February 26, 2020
Intensity of Maha fizzles a bit, threat to Gujarat continues
November 6, 2019