Heavy rain
[Marathi] पश्चिम किनारपट्टीला मान्सून सक्रीय
June 19, 2015
[Hindi] भारी बारिश से मुंबई में लोगों का बुरा हाल
June 19, 2015
[Marathi] कर्नाटकाची किनारपट्टी, कोकण आणि गोव्यात नैऋत्य मान्सून जोमाने सुरू
June 16, 2015
Severe weather across the globe
June 5, 2015
Severe weather across the globe
May 6, 2015
Monsoon greeted by cyclone Mahasen, ending with Phailin
October 14, 2013
Rain breaks record in Rajkot
September 26, 2013
Tea export in south India hit due to heavy rains
September 4, 2013
Five most uncomfortable places in India
July 19, 2013
Heavy rain expected over coastal Andhra Pradesh, Delhi to remain dry
July 11, 2013
Monsoon rains likely to increase over central India and Gujarat
June 12, 2013