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Heavy rains for Uttarakhand, first Monsoon spell for the state

June 29, 2022 10:05 PM |

Out of the hilly states, while the severity of winters is more for Jammu and Kashmir, then Himachal Pradesh and least for Uttarakhand, it is different for the Monsoon season. Moreover, the state of Uttarakhand sees the most amount of rains during Monsoon, with least rains over Jammu and Kashmir.

The opening spell of onset of Monsoon is coupled with a lot of heavy rains over the state, which is likely to be the case this time. The state of Uttarakhand has seen the onset of Southwest Monsoon today. Moreover, now, the state will see its first spell of Monsoon showers. Heavy rains are expected over the state for the next three days.

Moreover, Uttarakhand is famous for the cultivation of Basmati Rice, which has been already sown. And farmers are waiting for the first spell of Monsoon showers. While this spell of Monsoon rains will be beneficial, rains will be excessively heavy in many parts of the state. These rains will be accompanied with some thunderstorm etc.

Uttarakhand remains active throughout the Monsoon season and is the last to withdraw from here out of all the hilly states.

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