/*! * jGallery unreleased * http://jgallery.jakubkowalczyk.pl/ * * Released under the MIT license * * Date: 2014-12-07 */ var countsat=0; ( function() { "use strict"; var defaults = { autostart: true, // Boolean; If set as 'true' jGallery will be started automatically after loading the document(only for full-screen or standard mode).; [ true, false ] autostartAtImage: 1, // Number; Number of image which will be loaded by autostart(only when 'autostart' parameter set as 'true').; ; [ 1, 2, 3 ] autostartAtAlbum: 1, // Number; Number of album which will be loaded by autostart(only when 'autostart' parameter set as 'true').; ; [ 1, 2, 3 ] backgroundColor: '#fff', // String; Background color for jGallery container.; ; [ '#ffffff', 'silver' ] browserHistory: true, // Boolean; If set as 'true', changes of active image will be saved in browser history.; [ true, false ] canChangeMode: true, // Boolean; If set as 'true' you can change display mode(only for full-screen or standard mode).; [ true, false ] canClose: false, // Boolean; If set as 'true' you can close jGallery(only for full-screen or standard mode).; [ true, false ] canMinimalizeThumbnails: true, // Boolean; If set as 'true', you can minimalize thumbnails(only when 'thumbnails' parameter set as 'true').; [ true, false ] canZoom: true, // Boolean; If set as 'true' you can zoom photos.; [ true, false ] disabledOnIE8AndOlder: true, // Boolean; If set as 'true', jGallery will be blocked for Internet Explorer 8 and older.; [ true, false ] draggableZoom: true, // Boolean; If set as 'true' you can drag active image.; [ true, false ] height: '600px', // String; Height of jGallery container(only for standard or slider mode). hideThumbnailsOnInit: false, // Boolean; If set as 'true', thumbnails will be minimized by default, when jGallery will be started(only when 'thumbnails' parameter set as 'true').; [ true, false ] mode: 'standard', // String; Display mode.; [ 'full-screen', 'standard', 'slider' ] preloadAll: false, // Boolean; If set as 'true', all photos will be loaded before first shown photo.; [ true, false ] slideshow: true, // Boolean; If set as 'true', option slideshow is enabled.; [ true, false ] slideshowAutostart: false, // Boolean; If set as 'true', slideshow will be started immediately after initializing jGallery(only when 'slideshow' has been set as true).; [ true, false ] slideshowCanRandom: true, // Boolean; If set as 'true', you can enable random change photos for slideshow(only when 'slideshow' has been set as true).; [ true, false ] slideshowInterval: '12s', // String; Time between change of photos for slideshow(only when 'slideshow' has been set as true).; [ '3s', '6s', '10s' ] slideshowRandom: false, // Boolean; If set as 'true', photos in slideshow will be changing random(only when 'slideshow' has been set as true and 'slideshowCanRandom' has been set as true).; [ true, false ] textColor: '#000', // String; Color of text and icons.; ; [ '#000000', 'rgb(0,153,221)' ] thumbnails: true, // Boolean; If set as 'true', thumbnails will be displayed.; [ true, false ] thumbHeight: 75, // Number; Height(pixels) of thumbnails.; ; [ 50, 75, 125 ] thumbHeightOnFullScreen: 100, // Number; Height(pixels) of thumbnails for thumbnails displayed in full-screen.; ; [ 125, 160, 200 ] thumbnailsFullScreen: true, // Boolean; If set as 'true', thumbnails will be displayed in full-screen.; [ true, false ] thumbnailsPosition: 'bottom', // String; Thumbnails position(only when 'thumbnails' parameter set as 'true').; [ 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right' ] thumbType: 'image', // String; Thumbnails type(only when 'thumbnails' parameter set as 'true').; [ 'image', 'square', 'number' ] thumbWidth: 75, // Number; Width(pixels) of thumbnails.; ; [ 50, 75, 125 ] thumbWidthOnFullScreen: 100, // Number; Width(pixels) of thumbnails for thumbnails displayed in full-screen.; ; [ 125, 160, 200 ] title: true, // Boolean; If set as 'true', near photo will be shown title from alt attribute of img.; [ true, false ] titleExpanded: false, // Boolean; If set as 'true', in bottom area of zoomed photo will be shown title from alt attribute of img(only when 'title' has been set as true).; [ true, false ] tooltipClose: 'Close', // String; Text of tooltip which will be displayed next to icon for close jgallery(if you set canClose parameter as true).; ; tooltipFullScreen: 'Full screen', // String; Text of tooltip which will be displayed next to icon for change display mode.; ; [ 'Full screen', 'Tryb pełnoekranowy' ] tooltipRandom: 'Random', // String; Text of tooltip which will be displayed next to icon for random slideshow toggling.; ; [ 'Random', 'Kolejność losowa' ] tooltips: true, // Boolean; If set as 'true', tooltips will be displayed next to icons.; [ true, false ] tooltipSeeAllPhotos: 'See all photos', // String; Text of tooltip which will be displayed next to icon for change thumbnails view.; ; [ 'See all photos', 'Zobacz wszystkie zdjęcia' ] tooltipSeeOtherAlbums: 'See other albums', // String; Text of tooltip which will be displayed next to icon for change album(if your jGallery has more than one album).; ; [ 'See other albums', 'Zobacz pozostałe albumy' ] tooltipSlideshow: 'Slideshow', // String; Text of tooltip which will be displayed next to icon for play/pause slideshow.; ; [ 'Slideshow', 'Pokaz slajdów' ] tooltipToggleThumbnails: 'Toggle thumbnails', // String; Text of tooltip which will be displayed next to icon for toggle thumbnails.; ; [ 'Toggle thumbnails', 'Pokaż/ukryj miniatury' ] tooltipZoom: 'Zoom', // String; Text of tooltip which will be displayed next to icon for zoom photo.; ; [ 'Zoom', 'Powiększenie' ] transition: 'moveToRight_moveFromLeft', // String; Transition effect for change active image.; [ 'moveToLeft_moveFromRight', 'moveToRight_moveFromLeft', 'moveToTop_moveFromBottom', 'moveToBottom_moveFromTop', 'fade_moveFromRight', 'fade_moveFromLeft', 'fade_moveFromBottom', 'fade_moveFromTop', 'moveToLeftFade_moveFromRightFade', 'moveToRightFade_moveFromLeftFade', 'moveToTopFade_moveFromBottomFade', 'moveToBottomFade_moveFromTopFade', 'moveToLeftEasing_moveFromRight', 'moveToRightEasing_moveFromLeft', 'moveToTopEasing_moveFromBottom', 'moveToBottomEasing_moveFromTop', 'scaleDown_moveFromRight', 'scaleDown_moveFromLeft', 'scaleDown_moveFromBottom', 'scaleDown_moveFromTop', 'scaleDown_scaleUpDown', 'scaleDownUp_scaleUp', 'moveToLeft_scaleUp', 'moveToRight_scaleUp', 'moveToTop_scaleUp', 'moveToBottom_scaleUp', 'scaleDownCenter_scaleUpCenter', 'rotateRightSideFirst_moveFromRight', 'rotateLeftSideFirst_moveFromLeft', 'rotateTopSideFirst_moveFromTop', 'rotateBottomSideFirst_moveFromBottom', 'flipOutRight_flipInLeft', 'flipOutLeft_flipInRight', 'flipOutTop_flipInBottom', 'flipOutBottom_flipInTop', 'rotateFall_scaleUp', 'rotateOutNewspaper_rotateInNewspaper', 'rotatePushLeft_moveFromRight', 'rotatePushRight_moveFromLeft', 'rotatePushTop_moveFromBottom', 'rotatePushBottom_moveFromTop', 'rotatePushLeft_rotatePullRight', 'rotatePushRight_rotatePullLeft', 'rotatePushTop_rotatePullBottom', 'rotatePushBottom_page', 'rotateFoldLeft_moveFromRightFade', 'rotateFoldRight_moveFromLeftFade', 'rotateFoldTop_moveFromBottomFade', 'rotateFoldBottom_moveFromTopFade', 'moveToRightFade_rotateUnfoldLeft', 'moveToLeftFade_rotateUnfoldRight', 'moveToBottomFade_rotateUnfoldTop', 'moveToTopFade_rotateUnfoldBottom', 'rotateRoomLeftOut_rotateRoomLeftIn', 'rotateRoomRightOut_rotateRoomRightIn', 'rotateRoomTopOut_rotateRoomTopIn', 'rotateRoomBottomOut_rotateRoomBottomIn', 'rotateCubeLeftOut_rotateCubeLeftIn', 'rotateCubeRightOut_rotateCubeRightIn', 'rotateCubeTopOut_rotateCubeTopIn', 'rotateCubeBottomOut_rotateCubeBottomIn', 'rotateCarouselLeftOut_rotateCarouselLeftIn', 'rotateCarouselRightOut_rotateCarouselRightIn', 'rotateCarouselTopOut_rotateCarouselTopIn', 'rotateCarouselBottomOut_rotateCarouselBottomIn', 'rotateSidesOut_rotateSidesInDelay', 'rotateSlideOut_rotateSlideIn', 'random' ] transitionBackward: 'auto', // String; Transition effect for change active image(when user selected one of previous images).; [ 'auto', 'moveToLeft_moveFromRight', 'moveToRight_moveFromLeft', 'moveToTop_moveFromBottom', 'moveToBottom_moveFromTop', 'fade_moveFromRight', 'fade_moveFromLeft', 'fade_moveFromBottom', 'fade_moveFromTop', 'moveToLeftFade_moveFromRightFade', 'moveToRightFade_moveFromLeftFade', 'moveToTopFade_moveFromBottomFade', 'moveToBottomFade_moveFromTopFade', 'moveToLeftEasing_moveFromRight', 'moveToRightEasing_moveFromLeft', 'moveToTopEasing_moveFromBottom', 'moveToBottomEasing_moveFromTop', 'scaleDown_moveFromRight', 'scaleDown_moveFromLeft', 'scaleDown_moveFromBottom', 'scaleDown_moveFromTop', 'scaleDown_scaleUpDown', 'scaleDownUp_scaleUp', 'moveToLeft_scaleUp', 'moveToRight_scaleUp', 'moveToTop_scaleUp', 'moveToBottom_scaleUp', 'scaleDownCenter_scaleUpCenter', 'rotateRightSideFirst_moveFromRight', 'rotateLeftSideFirst_moveFromLeft', 'rotateTopSideFirst_moveFromTop', 'rotateBottomSideFirst_moveFromBottom', 'flipOutRight_flipInLeft', 'flipOutLeft_flipInRight', 'flipOutTop_flipInBottom', 'flipOutBottom_flipInTop', 'rotateFall_scaleUp', 'rotateOutNewspaper_rotateInNewspaper', 'rotatePushLeft_moveFromRight', 'rotatePushRight_moveFromLeft', 'rotatePushTop_moveFromBottom', 'rotatePushBottom_moveFromTop', 'rotatePushLeft_rotatePullRight', 'rotatePushRight_rotatePullLeft', 'rotatePushTop_rotatePullBottom', 'rotatePushBottom_page', 'rotateFoldLeft_moveFromRightFade', 'rotateFoldRight_moveFromLeftFade', 'rotateFoldTop_moveFromBottomFade', 'rotateFoldBottom_moveFromTopFade', 'moveToRightFade_rotateUnfoldLeft', 'moveToLeftFade_rotateUnfoldRight', 'moveToBottomFade_rotateUnfoldTop', 'moveToTopFade_rotateUnfoldBottom', 'rotateRoomLeftOut_rotateRoomLeftIn', 'rotateRoomRightOut_rotateRoomRightIn', 'rotateRoomTopOut_rotateRoomTopIn', 'rotateRoomBottomOut_rotateRoomBottomIn', 'rotateCubeLeftOut_rotateCubeLeftIn', 'rotateCubeRightOut_rotateCubeRightIn', 'rotateCubeTopOut_rotateCubeTopIn', 'rotateCubeBottomOut_rotateCubeBottomIn', 'rotateCarouselLeftOut_rotateCarouselLeftIn', 'rotateCarouselRightOut_rotateCarouselRightIn', 'rotateCarouselTopOut_rotateCarouselTopIn', 'rotateCarouselBottomOut_rotateCarouselBottomIn', 'rotateSidesOut_rotateSidesInDelay', 'rotateSlideOut_rotateSlideIn', 'random' ] transitionCols: 1, // Number; Number of columns in the image divided into columns.; ; [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] transitionDuration: '0.7s', // String; Duration of transition between photos.; [ '0.2s', '0.5s', '1s' ] transitionRows: 1, // Number; Number of columns in the image divided into rows.; ; [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] transitionTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0,1,1,1)', // String; Timig function for showing photo.; [ 'linear', 'ease', 'ease-in', 'ease-out', 'ease-in-out', 'cubic-bezier(0.5,-0.5,0.5,1.5)', 'cubic-bezier(0,1,1,1)' ] transitionWaveDirection: 'forward', // String; Direction of animation(only when 'transitionCols' > 1 or 'transitionRows' > 1).; [ 'forward', 'backward' ] width: '100%', // String; Width of jGallery container(only for standard or slider mode). zoomSize: 'fit', // String; Size of zoomed photo(only for full-screen or standard mode).; [ 'fit', 'original', 'fill' ] afterLoadPhoto: function() {}, // Function; Custom function that will be called after loading photo.; ; [ function() { alert( 'afterLoadPhoto' ) } ] beforeLoadPhoto: function() {}, // Function; Custom function that will be called before loading photo.; ; [ function() { alert( 'beforeLoadPhoto' ) } ] closeGallery: function() {}, // Function; Custom function that will be called after hiding jGallery.; ; [ function() { alert( 'closeGallery' ) } ] initGallery: function() {}, // Function; Custom function that will be called before initialization of jGallery.; ; [ function() { alert( 'initGallery' ) } ] showGallery: function() {}, // Function; Custom function that will be called after showing jGallery.; ; [ function() { alert( 'showGallery' ) } ] showPhoto: function() {} // Function; Custom function that will be called before showing photo.; ; [ function() { alert( 'showPhoto' ) } ] }; var defaultsFullScreenMode = {}; var defaultsSliderMode = { width: '620px', height: '360px', canZoom: false, draggableZoom: false, browserHistory: false, thumbnailsFullScreen: false, thumbType: 'square', thumbWidth: 20, //px thumbHeight: 20, //px canMinimalizeThumbnails: false, transition: 'rotateCubeRightOut_rotateCubeRightIn', transitionBackward: 'rotateCubeRightOut_rotateCubeRightIn', transitionCols: 6, transitionRows: 1, slideshow: true, slideshowAutostart: true, zoomSize: 'fill' }; var requiredFullScreenMode = {}; var requiredSliderMode = { autostart: true, canClose: false, zoomSize: 'fill', canChangeMode: false }; var jGalleryTransitions = { moveToLeft_moveFromRight: ["pt-page-moveToLeft","pt-page-moveFromRight"], moveToRight_moveFromLeft: ["pt-page-moveToRight","pt-page-moveFromLeft"], moveToTop_moveFromBottom: ["pt-page-moveToTop","pt-page-moveFromBottom"], moveToBottom_moveFromTop: ["pt-page-moveToBottom","pt-page-moveFromTop"], fade_moveFromRight: ["pt-page-fade","pt-page-moveFromRight pt-page-ontop"], fade_moveFromLeft: ["pt-page-fade","pt-page-moveFromLeft pt-page-ontop"], fade_moveFromBottom: ["pt-page-fade","pt-page-moveFromBottom pt-page-ontop"], fade_moveFromTop: ["pt-page-fade","pt-page-moveFromTop pt-page-ontop"], moveToLeftFade_moveFromRightFade: ["pt-page-moveToLeftFade","pt-page-moveFromRightFade"], moveToRightFade_moveFromLeftFade: ["pt-page-moveToRightFade","pt-page-moveFromLeftFade"], moveToTopFade_moveFromBottomFade: ["pt-page-moveToTopFade","pt-page-moveFromBottomFade"], moveToBottomFade_moveFromTopFade: ["pt-page-moveToBottomFade","pt-page-moveFromTopFade"], moveToLeftEasing_moveFromRight: ["pt-page-moveToLeftEasing pt-page-ontop","pt-page-moveFromRight"], moveToRightEasing_moveFromLeft: ["pt-page-moveToRightEasing pt-page-ontop","pt-page-moveFromLeft"], moveToTopEasing_moveFromBottom: ["pt-page-moveToTopEasing pt-page-ontop","pt-page-moveFromBottom"], moveToBottomEasing_moveFromTop: ["pt-page-moveToBottomEasing pt-page-ontop","pt-page-moveFromTop"], scaleDown_moveFromRight: ["pt-page-scaleDown","pt-page-moveFromRight pt-page-ontop"], scaleDown_moveFromLeft: ["pt-page-scaleDown","pt-page-moveFromLeft pt-page-ontop"], scaleDown_moveFromBottom: ["pt-page-scaleDown","pt-page-moveFromBottom pt-page-ontop"], scaleDown_moveFromTop: ["pt-page-scaleDown","pt-page-moveFromTop pt-page-ontop"], scaleDown_scaleUpDown: ["pt-page-scaleDown","pt-page-scaleUpDown pt-page-delay300"], scaleDownUp_scaleUp: ["pt-page-scaleDownUp","pt-page-scaleUp pt-page-delay300"], moveToLeft_scaleUp: ["pt-page-moveToLeft pt-page-ontop","pt-page-scaleUp"], moveToRight_scaleUp: ["pt-page-moveToRight pt-page-ontop","pt-page-scaleUp"], moveToTop_scaleUp: ["pt-page-moveToTop pt-page-ontop","pt-page-scaleUp"], moveToBottom_scaleUp: ["pt-page-moveToBottom pt-page-ontop","pt-page-scaleUp"], scaleDownCenter_scaleUpCenter: ["pt-page-scaleDownCenter","pt-page-scaleUpCenter pt-page-delay400"], rotateRightSideFirst_moveFromRight: ["pt-page-rotateRightSideFirst","pt-page-moveFromRight pt-page-delay200 pt-page-ontop"], rotateLeftSideFirst_moveFromLeft: ["pt-page-rotateLeftSideFirst","pt-page-moveFromLeft pt-page-delay200 pt-page-ontop"], rotateTopSideFirst_moveFromTop: ["pt-page-rotateTopSideFirst","pt-page-moveFromTop pt-page-delay200 pt-page-ontop"], rotateBottomSideFirst_moveFromBottom: ["pt-page-rotateBottomSideFirst","pt-page-moveFromBottom pt-page-delay200 pt-page-ontop"], flipOutRight_flipInLeft: ["pt-page-flipOutRight","pt-page-flipInLeft pt-page-delay500"], flipOutLeft_flipInRight: ["pt-page-flipOutLeft","pt-page-flipInRight pt-page-delay500"], flipOutTop_flipInBottom: ["pt-page-flipOutTop","pt-page-flipInBottom pt-page-delay500"], flipOutBottom_flipInTop: ["pt-page-flipOutBottom","pt-page-flipInTop pt-page-delay500"], rotateFall_scaleUp: ["pt-page-rotateFall pt-page-ontop","pt-page-scaleUp"], rotateOutNewspaper_rotateInNewspaper: ["pt-page-rotateOutNewspaper","pt-page-rotateInNewspaper pt-page-delay500"], rotatePushLeft_moveFromRight: ["pt-page-rotatePushLeft","pt-page-moveFromRight"], rotatePushRight_moveFromLeft: ["pt-page-rotatePushRight","pt-page-moveFromLeft"], rotatePushTop_moveFromBottom: ["pt-page-rotatePushTop","pt-page-moveFromBottom"], rotatePushBottom_moveFromTop: ["pt-page-rotatePushBottom","pt-page-moveFromTop"], rotatePushLeft_rotatePullRight: ["pt-page-rotatePushLeft","pt-page-rotatePullRight pt-page-delay180"], rotatePushRight_rotatePullLeft: ["pt-page-rotatePushRight","pt-page-rotatePullLeft pt-page-delay180"], rotatePushTop_rotatePullBottom: ["pt-page-rotatePushTop","pt-page-rotatePullBottom pt-page-delay180"], rotatePushBottom_page: ["pt-page-rotatePushBottom","pt-page-rotatePullTop pt-page-delay180"], rotateFoldLeft_moveFromRightFade: ["pt-page-rotateFoldLeft","pt-page-moveFromRightFade"], rotateFoldRight_moveFromLeftFade: ["pt-page-rotateFoldRight","pt-page-moveFromLeftFade"], rotateFoldTop_moveFromBottomFade: ["pt-page-rotateFoldTop","pt-page-moveFromBottomFade"], rotateFoldBottom_moveFromTopFade: ["pt-page-rotateFoldBottom","pt-page-moveFromTopFade"], moveToRightFade_rotateUnfoldLeft: ["pt-page-moveToRightFade","pt-page-rotateUnfoldLeft"], moveToLeftFade_rotateUnfoldRight: ["pt-page-moveToLeftFade","pt-page-rotateUnfoldRight"], moveToBottomFade_rotateUnfoldTop: ["pt-page-moveToBottomFade","pt-page-rotateUnfoldTop"], moveToTopFade_rotateUnfoldBottom: ["pt-page-moveToTopFade","pt-page-rotateUnfoldBottom"], rotateRoomLeftOut_rotateRoomLeftIn: ["pt-page-rotateRoomLeftOut pt-page-ontop","pt-page-rotateRoomLeftIn"], rotateRoomRightOut_rotateRoomRightIn: ["pt-page-rotateRoomRightOut pt-page-ontop","pt-page-rotateRoomRightIn"], rotateRoomTopOut_rotateRoomTopIn: ["pt-page-rotateRoomTopOut pt-page-ontop","pt-page-rotateRoomTopIn"], rotateRoomBottomOut_rotateRoomBottomIn: ["pt-page-rotateRoomBottomOut pt-page-ontop","pt-page-rotateRoomBottomIn"], rotateCubeLeftOut_rotateCubeLeftIn: ["pt-page-rotateCubeLeftOut pt-page-ontop","pt-page-rotateCubeLeftIn"], rotateCubeRightOut_rotateCubeRightIn: ["pt-page-rotateCubeRightOut pt-page-ontop","pt-page-rotateCubeRightIn"], rotateCubeTopOut_rotateCubeTopIn: ["pt-page-rotateCubeTopOut pt-page-ontop","pt-page-rotateCubeTopIn"], rotateCubeBottomOut_rotateCubeBottomIn: ["pt-page-rotateCubeBottomOut pt-page-ontop","pt-page-rotateCubeBottomIn"], rotateCarouselLeftOut_rotateCarouselLeftIn: ["pt-page-rotateCarouselLeftOut pt-page-ontop","pt-page-rotateCarouselLeftIn"], rotateCarouselRightOut_rotateCarouselRightIn: ["pt-page-rotateCarouselRightOut pt-page-ontop","pt-page-rotateCarouselRightIn"], rotateCarouselTopOut_rotateCarouselTopIn: ["pt-page-rotateCarouselTopOut pt-page-ontop","pt-page-rotateCarouselTopIn"], rotateCarouselBottomOut_rotateCarouselBottomIn: ["pt-page-rotateCarouselBottomOut pt-page-ontop","pt-page-rotateCarouselBottomIn"], rotateSidesOut_rotateSidesInDelay: ["pt-page-rotateSidesOut","pt-page-rotateSidesIn pt-page-delay200"], rotateSlideOut_rotateSlideIn: ["pt-page-rotateSlideOut","pt-page-rotateSlideIn"] }; var jGalleryArrayTransitions = ( function( jGalleryTransitions ) { var $ = jQuery; var jGalleryArrayTransitions = []; $.each( jGalleryTransitions, function( index, value ) { jGalleryArrayTransitions.push( value ); } ); return jGalleryArrayTransitions; } )( jGalleryTransitions ); var jGalleryBackwardTransitions = { moveToLeft_moveFromRight: 'moveToRight_moveFromLeft', moveToRight_moveFromLeft: 'moveToLeft_moveFromRight', moveToTop_moveFromBottom: 'moveToBottom_moveFromTop', moveToBottom_moveFromTop: 'moveToTop_moveFromBottom', fade_moveFromRight: 'fade_moveFromLeft', fade_moveFromLeft: 'fade_moveFromRight', fade_moveFromBottom: 'fade_moveFromTop', fade_moveFromTop: 'fade_moveFromBottom', moveToLeftFade_moveFromRightFade: 'moveToRightFade_moveFromLeftFade', moveToRightFade_moveFromLeftFade: 'moveToLeftFade_moveFromRightFade', moveToTopFade_moveFromBottomFade: 'moveToBottomFade_moveFromTopFade', moveToBottomFade_moveFromTopFade: 'moveToTopFade_moveFromBottomFade', moveToLeftEasing_moveFromRight: 'moveToRightEasing_moveFromLeft', moveToRightEasing_moveFromLeft: 'moveToLeftEasing_moveFromRight', moveToTopEasing_moveFromBottom: 'moveToBottomEasing_moveFromTop', moveToBottomEasing_moveFromTop: 'moveToTopEasing_moveFromBottom', scaleDown_moveFromRight: 'scaleDown_moveFromLeft', scaleDown_moveFromLeft: 'scaleDown_moveFromRight', scaleDown_moveFromBottom: 'scaleDown_moveFromTop', scaleDown_moveFromTop: 'scaleDown_moveFromBottom', scaleDown_scaleUpDown: 'scaleDownUp_scaleUp', scaleDownUp_scaleUp: 'scaleDown_scaleUpDown', moveToLeft_scaleUp: 'moveToRight_scaleUp', moveToRight_scaleUp: 'moveToLeft_scaleUp', moveToTop_scaleUp: 'moveToBottom_scaleUp', moveToBottom_scaleUp: 'moveToTop_scaleUp', scaleDownCenter_scaleUpCenter: 'scaleDownCenter_scaleUpCenter', rotateRightSideFirst_moveFromRight: 'rotateLeftSideFirst_moveFromLeft', rotateLeftSideFirst_moveFromLeft: 'rotateRightSideFirst_moveFromRight', rotateTopSideFirst_moveFromTop: 'rotateBottomSideFirst_moveFromBottom', rotateBottomSideFirst_moveFromBottom: 'rotateTopSideFirst_moveFromTop', flipOutRight_flipInLeft: 'flipOutLeft_flipInRight', flipOutLeft_flipInRight: 'flipOutRight_flipInLeft', flipOutTop_flipInBottom: 'flipOutBottom_flipInTop', flipOutBottom_flipInTop: 'flipOutTop_flipInBottom', rotateFall_scaleUp: 'rotateFall_scaleUp', rotateOutNewspaper_rotateInNewspaper: 'rotateOutNewspaper_rotateInNewspaper', rotatePushLeft_moveFromRight: 'rotatePushRight_moveFromLeft', rotatePushRight_moveFromLeft: 'rotatePushLeft_moveFromRight', rotatePushTop_moveFromBottom: 'rotatePushBottom_moveFromTop', rotatePushBottom_moveFromTop: 'rotatePushTop_moveFromBottom', rotatePushLeft_rotatePullRight: 'rotatePushRight_rotatePullLeft', rotatePushRight_rotatePullLeft: 'rotatePushLeft_rotatePullRight', rotatePushTop_rotatePullBottom: 'rotatePushTop_rotatePullBottom', rotatePushBottom_page: 'rotatePushBottom_page', rotateFoldLeft_moveFromRightFade: 'rotateFoldRight_moveFromLeftFade', rotateFoldRight_moveFromLeftFade: 'rotateFoldLeft_moveFromRightFade', rotateFoldTop_moveFromBottomFade: 'rotateFoldBottom_moveFromTopFade', rotateFoldBottom_moveFromTopFade: 'rotateFoldTop_moveFromBottomFade', moveToRightFade_rotateUnfoldLeft: 'moveToLeftFade_rotateUnfoldRight', moveToLeftFade_rotateUnfoldRight: 'moveToRightFade_rotateUnfoldLeft', moveToBottomFade_rotateUnfoldTop: 'moveToTopFade_rotateUnfoldBottom', moveToTopFade_rotateUnfoldBottom: 'moveToBottomFade_rotateUnfoldTop', rotateRoomLeftOut_rotateRoomLeftIn: 'rotateRoomRightOut_rotateRoomRightIn', rotateRoomRightOut_rotateRoomRightIn: 'rotateRoomLeftOut_rotateRoomLeftIn', rotateRoomTopOut_rotateRoomTopIn: 'rotateRoomBottomOut_rotateRoomBottomIn', rotateRoomBottomOut_rotateRoomBottomIn: 'rotateRoomTopOut_rotateRoomTopIn', rotateCubeLeftOut_rotateCubeLeftIn: 'rotateCubeRightOut_rotateCubeRightIn', rotateCubeRightOut_rotateCubeRightIn: 'rotateCubeLeftOut_rotateCubeLeftIn', rotateCubeTopOut_rotateCubeTopIn: 'rotateCubeBottomOut_rotateCubeBottomIn', rotateCubeBottomOut_rotateCubeBottomIn: 'rotateCubeTopOut_rotateCubeTopIn', rotateCarouselLeftOut_rotateCarouselLeftIn: 'rotateCarouselRightOut_rotateCarouselRightIn', rotateCarouselRightOut_rotateCarouselRightIn: 'rotateCarouselLeftOut_rotateCarouselLeftIn', rotateCarouselTopOut_rotateCarouselTopIn: 'rotateCarouselBottomOut_rotateCarouselBottomIn', rotateCarouselBottomOut_rotateCarouselBottomIn: 'rotateCarouselTopOut_rotateCarouselTopIn', rotateSidesOut_rotateSidesInDelay: 'rotateSidesOut_rotateSidesInDelay', rotateSlideOut_rotateSlideIn: 'rotateSlideOut_rotateSlideIn' }; var outerHtml = function(){ return (!this.length) ? this : (this[0].outerHTML || ( function(el){ var div = document.createElement('div'); div.appendChild(el.cloneNode(true)); var contents = div.innerHTML; div = null; return contents; })(this[0])); }; var overlay = ( function() { var $ = jQuery; var $html = $( 'html' ); return function( options ) { var defaults = { 'show': false, 'hide': false, 'showLoader': false, 'hideLoader': false, 'fadeIn': true, 'fadeOut': true, 'fadeInLoader': true, 'fadeOutLoader': true, 'afterInit': function() {} }; options = $.extend( {}, defaults, options ); this.each( function() { var $this = $( this ), $overlay, $imageLoader, boolInitialized = $this.is( '.overlayContainer:has(.overlay)' ), setImageLoaderPosition = function() { var top = Math.max( $this.offset().top, $( 'body, html' ).scrollTop() ), bottom = Math.min( $this.offset().top + $this.outerHeight(), $( 'body, html' ).scrollTop() + $( window ).height() ), center = top + ( bottom - top ) / 2 - $this.offset().top; $imageLoader.css( { 'top': center + 'px' } ); }, setOverlayWidthAndHeight = function() { $this.children( '.overlay' ).css( { width: $this.outerWidth(), height: $this.is( 'body' ) ? $html.outerHeight() : $this.outerHeight() } ); }, showOverlay = function() { options.fadeIn ? $overlay.fadeIn( 500 ) : $overlay.show(); }, hideOverlay = function() { options.fadeOut ? $overlay.fadeOut( 500 ) : $overlay.hide(); }, showLoader = function() { options.fadeInLoader ? $imageLoader.not( ':visible' ).fadeIn( 500 ) : $imageLoader.not( ':visible' ).show(); }, hideLoader = function() { options.fadeOutLoader ? $imageLoader.filter( ':visible' ).fadeOut( 500 ) : $imageLoader.filter( ':visible' ).hide(); }; $( window ).scroll( function() { setImageLoaderPosition(); } ); $( window ).resize( function() { setImageLoaderPosition(); setOverlayWidthAndHeight(); } ); //init if ( $this.is( 'table' ) ) { if ( $this.parent().is( '.overlayContainer' ) ) { $this = $this.parent(); } } if ( ! boolInitialized ) { if ( $this.is( 'table' ) ) { $this.wrap( '
' ); $this = $this.parent(); } $this.addClass( 'overlayContainer' ); $this.append( '' ); options.afterInit(); } $overlay = $this.children( '.overlay' ); $imageLoader = $this.find( '.imageLoaderPositionAbsolute' ); $overlay.stop( false, true ); $imageLoader.stop( false, true ); if ( options.show ) { showOverlay(); } else if ( options.hide ) { hideOverlay(); } if ( options.showLoader ) { showLoader(); } else if ( options.hideLoader ) { hideLoader(); } setImageLoaderPosition(); setOverlayWidthAndHeight(); //endinit } ); }; } )(); var jLoader = ( function( overlay ) { var $ = jQuery; $.fn.overlay = overlay; return function( options ) { options = $.extend( { interval: 1000, skip: ':not(*)', start: function() { $( 'body' ).overlay( { 'fadeIn': false, 'fadeOut': false, 'show': true, 'showLoader': true } ); $( 'body' ).show(); }, success: function() { $( 'body' ).overlay( { 'hide': true } ); }, progress: function() { } }, options ); this.each( function() { var $this = $( this ); var $tmp = $(); var $images = $(); var timeout; var intCount = 0; function check() { var boolComplete = true; var intI = 0; var intComplete = 0; var intPercent; $images.each( function() { intI++; if ( $( this )[0].complete ) { intComplete++; } else { boolComplete = false; } if ( intI === intCount ) { intPercent = parseInt( intComplete * 100 / intCount ); options.progress( { percent: intPercent } ); if ( boolComplete ) { clearTimeout( timeout ); $tmp.remove(); options.success(); } else { timeout = setTimeout( check, options.interval ); } } } ); } $this.append( '' ); $tmp = $this.children( '.jLoaderTmp:last-child' ); $( $this ).add( $this.find( '*' ) ).not( options.skip ).each( function() { var strBackgroundUrl; if ( $( this ).css( 'background-image' ) !== 'none' ) { strBackgroundUrl = $( this ).css( 'background-image' ); if ( /url/.exec( strBackgroundUrl ) ) { strBackgroundUrl = strBackgroundUrl.replace( '"', '' ).replace( "'", '' ).replace( ' ', '' ).replace( 'url(', '' ).replace( ')', '' ); $tmp.append( '' ); } } } ); $images = $this.find( 'img:not( ' + options.skip + ')' ); if ( $this.is( 'img' ) ) { if ( ! $this.is( options.skip ) ) { $images = $images.add( $this ); } } intCount = parseInt( $images.length ); options.start(); check(); } ); }; } )( overlay ); var historyPushState = function() { var $ = jQuery; var $title = $( 'title' ); return function( options ) { options = $.extend( {}, { stateObj: {}, title: $title.html(), path: '' }, options ); window.history.pushState( options.stateObj, options.title, document.location.href.split('#')[0] + '#' + options.path ); }; }; var isInternetExplorer = function() { var rv = false; if ( navigator.appName === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' ) { var ua = navigator.userAgent; var re = new RegExp( "MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})" ); if ( re.exec(ua) !== null ) { rv = true; } } return rv; }; var isInternetExplorer8AndOlder = function() { var rv = false; if ( navigator.appName === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' ) { var ua = navigator.userAgent; var re = new RegExp( "MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})" ); if ( re.exec(ua) !== null ) { rv = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ); rv = rv < 9; } } return rv; }; var refreshHTMLClasses = function() { var $ = jQuery; var $html = $( 'html' ); return function() { $html.find( '.jgallery' ).length === 0 ? $html.removeClass( 'has-jgallery' ) : $html.addClass( 'has-jgallery' ); $html.find( '.jgallery.hidden' ).length === 0 ? $html.removeClass( 'has-hidden-jgallery' ) : $html.addClass( 'has-hidden-jgallery' ); $html.find( '.jgallery:not(.hidden)' ).length === 0 ? $html.removeClass( 'has-visible-jgallery' ) : $html.addClass( 'has-visible-jgallery' ); }; }; var AdvancedAnimation = ( function( isInternetExplorer8AndOlder ) { var $ = jQuery; var $head = $( 'head' ); var intAdvancedAnimationLastId = 0; var AdvancedAnimation = function( $this ) { if ( $this.is( '[data-advanced-animation-id]') ) { return; } this.cols = 1; this.rows = 1; this.direction = 'forward'; this.animation = true; this.$element = $this; this.$element.filter( ':not( [data-advanced-animation-id] )' ).attr( 'data-advanced-animation-id', ++intAdvancedAnimationLastId ); this.$element.find( '.pt-item' ).wrap( '
' ); this.$element.wrapInner( '
' ); this.generateHtml(); this._showParts( this.$element.find( '.pt-part' ), 1 ); }; AdvancedAnimation.prototype = { next: function() { var $next = this.$element.find( '.pt-part' ).eq( this.direction === 'backward' ? -1 : 0 ).find( '.pt-page-current:not(.pt-page-prev)' ).next(); if ( $next.length ) { this.show( $next ); } else { this.show( this.$element.find( '.pt-part' ).eq( this.direction === 'backward' ? -1 : 0 ).find( '.pt-page' ).eq( 0 ) ); } }, show: function( $new, options ) { var intPtPageNumber = $new.prevAll().length + 1; if ( $new.is( '.pt-page-current:not(.pt-page-prev)' ) ) { return; } options = $.extend( {}, { animation: true }, options ); this.animation = options.animation; this._waveJumpToEnd(); if ( this.animation ) { this._runWave( intPtPageNumber ); } else { this._showParts( this.$element.find( '.pt-part' ), intPtPageNumber ); } this.intPrevPtPageNumber = intPtPageNumber; }, setQuantityParts: function( intCols, intRows ) { this.cols = intCols; this.rows = intRows; this.generateHtml(); }, setAnimationProperties: function( options ) { var intId = this.$element.attr( 'data-advanced-animation-id' ); var $stylesheet = $head.find( 'style[data-advanced-animation-id="' + intId + '"]' ); this.duration = options.duration; if ( isInternetExplorer8AndOlder() ) { return; } if ( $stylesheet.length === 0 ) { $stylesheet = $head.append( '\ '); if ( this.isHorizontal() ) { this.jGallery.zoom.$container.find( '.minimalize-thumbnails' ).addClass( 'fa-ellipsis-h' ).removeClass( 'fa-ellipsis-v' ); } else { this.jGallery.zoom.$container.find( '.minimalize-thumbnails' ).addClass( 'fa-ellipsis-v' ).removeClass( 'fa-ellipsis-h' ); } if ( this.isJgalleryInitialized ) { return; } this.hide(); }, _showNextThumb: function() { var self = this; var $nextThumb = this.$a.parent( '.active' ).children( '.hidden' ).eq( 0 ); setTimeout( function() { $nextThumb.removeClass( 'hidden' ); if ( $nextThumb.length ) { self._showNextThumb(); } }, 70 ); }, _horizontalCenter: function( $a ) { var self = this; if ( $a.length !== 1 ) { return; } this.$container.stop( false, true ).animate( { 'scrollLeft': $a.position().left - this.$container.scrollLeft() * -1 - $a.outerWidth() / -2 - this.$container.outerWidth() / 2 }, function() { self.refreshNavigation(); } ); }, _verticalCenter: function( $a ) { var self = this; if ( $a.length !== 1 ) { return; } this.$container.stop( false, true ).animate( { 'scrollTop': $a.position().top - this.$container.scrollTop() * -1 - $a.outerHeight() / -2 - this.$container.outerHeight() / 2 }, function() { self.refreshNavigation(); } ); }, _refreshHorizontalNavigation: function() { var $album = this.getElement().find( 'div.active' ); var intThumbsWidth = this.jGallery.options.thumbType === 'image' ? this.$a.outerWidth( true ) * $album.find( 'img' ).length : this.$a.outerWidth( true ) * $album.find( 'a' ).length; this.$container.scrollLeft() > 0 ? this.$btnPrev.addClass( 'visible' ) : this.$btnPrev.removeClass( 'visible' ); intThumbsWidth > this.$container.width() + this.$container.scrollLeft() ? this.$btnNext.addClass( 'visible' ) : this.$btnNext.removeClass( 'visible' ); }, _refreshVerticalNavigation: function() { this.$container.scrollTop() > 0 ? this.$btnPrev.addClass( 'visible' ) : this.$btnPrev.removeClass( 'visible' ); this.$container.find( '.jgallery-container-inner' ).height() > this.$container.height() + this.$container.scrollTop() ? this.$btnNext.addClass( 'visible' ) : this.$btnNext.removeClass( 'visible' ); }, _scrollToPrev: function() { var self = this; if ( this.isVertical() || this.isFullScreen() ) { this.$container.stop( false, true ).animate( { 'scrollTop': "-=" + $window.height() * 0.7 }, function() { self.refreshNavigation(); } ); } else if ( this.isHorizontal() ) { this.$container.stop( false, true ).animate( { 'scrollLeft': "-=" + $window.width() * 0.7 }, function() { self.refreshNavigation(); } ); } }, _scrollToNext: function() { var self = this; if ( this.isVertical() || this.isFullScreen() ) { this.$container.stop( false, true ).animate( { 'scrollTop': "+=" + $window.height() * 0.7 }, function() { self.refreshNavigation(); } ); } else if ( this.isHorizontal() ) { this.$container.stop( false, true ).animate( { 'scrollLeft': "+=" + $window.width() * 0.7 }, function() { self.refreshNavigation(); } ); } } }; return Thumbnails; } )( jLoader ); var ThumbnailsGenerator = ( function( outerHtml ) { var $ = jQuery; $.fn.outerHtml = outerHtml; var ThumbnailsGenerator = function( jGallery, options ) { this.options = $.extend( {}, { thumbsHidden: true }, options ); this.jGallery = jGallery; this.isSlider = jGallery.isSlider(); this.$element = jGallery.$this; this.booIsAlbums = jGallery.booIsAlbums; this.$tmp; this.intI = 1; this.intJ = 1; this.intNo; this.$thumbnailsContainerInner = this.jGallery.$jgallery.find( '.jgallery-thumbnails .jgallery-container-inner' ); this.start(); }; ThumbnailsGenerator.prototype = { start: function() { var self = this; var selector = this.jGallery.isSlider() ? '.album:has(img)' : '.album:has(a:has(img))'; $( 'body' ).append( '
' + this.$element.html() + '
' ); this.$tmp = $( '#jGalleryTmp' ); this.$thumbnailsContainerInner.html( '' ); if ( this.booIsAlbums ) { this.$tmp.find( selector ).each( function() { self.insertAlbum( $( this ) ); } ); } else { this.insertImages( this.$tmp, this.$thumbnailsContainerInner ); } this.$tmp.remove(); this.refreshThumbsSize(); }, insertAlbum: function( $this ) { var strTitle = $this.is( '[data-jgallery-album-title]' ) ? $this.attr( 'data-jgallery-album-title' ) : 'Album ' + this.intJ; var $album = this.$thumbnailsContainerInner.append( '
' ).children( ':last-child' ); if ( this.intJ === 1 ) { $album.addClass( 'active' ); } this.insertImages( $this, $album ); this.intJ++; }, insertImages: function( $images, $container ) { var self = this; var selector = this.jGallery.isSlider() ? 'img' : 'a:has(img)'; this.intNo = 1; $images.find( selector ).each( function() { self.insertImage( $( this ), $container ); } ); }, insertImage: function( $this, $container ) { var $a; var $parent; if ( $this.is( 'a' ) ) { $container.append( '
' + this.generateImgTag( $this.find( 'img' ).eq( 0 ) ).outerHtml() + '
'+this.intI +'
' ); if ( this.options.thumbsHidden ) { $container.children( ':last-child' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); } } else if ( $this.is( 'img' ) ) { $a = $container.append( $( '' + this.generateImgTag( $this ).outerHtml() + '' ) ).children( ':last-child' ); $parent = $this.parent(); if ( this.isSlider && $parent.is( 'a' ) ) { $a.attr( 'link', $parent.attr( 'href' ) ); if ( $parent.is( '[target]' ) ) { $a.attr( 'target', $parent.attr( 'target' ) ); } } } $container.children( ':last-child' ).attr( 'data-jgallery-photo-id', this.intI++ ).attr( 'data-jgallery-number', this.intNo++ ); }, generateImgTag: function( $img ) { var $newImg = $( '' ); if ( $img.is( '[alt]' ) ) { $newImg.attr( 'alt', $img.attr( 'alt' ) ); } if ( $img.is( '[data-jgallery-bg-color]' ) ) { $newImg.attr( 'data-jgallery-bg-color', $img.attr( 'data-jgallery-bg-color' ) ); } if ( $img.is( '[data-jgallery-text-color]' ) ) { $newImg.attr( 'data-jgallery-text-color', $img.attr( 'data-jgallery-text-color' ) ); } if ( $img.is( '[title]' ) ) { $newImg.attr( 'title', $img.attr( 'title' ) ); } return $newImg; }, refreshThumbsSize: function() { var options = this.jGallery.options; this.$thumbnailsContainerInner.find( 'img' ).each( function() { var $image = $( this ); var image = new Image(); image.src = $image.attr( 'src' ); if ( ( image.width / image.height ) < ( options.thumbWidth / options.thumbHeight ) ) { $image.addClass( 'thumb-vertical' ).removeClass( 'thumb-horizontal' ); } else { $image.addClass( 'thumb-horizontal' ).removeClass( 'thumb-vertical' ); } if ( ( image.width / image.height ) < ( options.thumbWidthOnFullScreen / options.thumbHeightOnFullScreen ) ) { $image.addClass( 'thumb-on-full-screen-vertical' ).removeClass( 'thumb-on-full-screen-horizontal' ); } else { $image.addClass( 'thumb-on-full-screen-horizontal' ).removeClass( 'thumb-on-full-screen-vertical' ); } } ); } }; return ThumbnailsGenerator; } )( outerHtml ); var Zoom = ( function( jLoader, overlay, historyPushState, jGalleryTransitions, jGalleryArrayTransitions, jGalleryBackwardTransitions, AdvancedAnimation, IconChangeAlbum ) { var $ = jQuery; var $body = $( 'body' ); $.fn.jLoader = jLoader; $.fn.overlay = overlay; var Zoom = function( jGallery ) { this.$container = jGallery.$element.children( '.zoom-container' ); this.$element = this.$container.children( '.zoom' ); this.$title = this.$container.find( '.nav-bottom > .title' ); this.$btnPrev = this.$container.children( '.prev' ); this.$btnNext = this.$container.children( '.next' ); this.$left = this.$container.find( '.left' ); this.$right = this.$container.find( '.right' ); this.thumbnails = jGallery.thumbnails; this.$jGallery = jGallery.$element; this.jGallery = jGallery; this.$resize = this.$container.find( '.resize' ); this.$dragNav = this.$container.find( '.drag-nav' ); this.$dragNavCrop = $(); this.$dragNavCropImg = $(); this.$changeMode = this.$container.find( '.fa.change-mode' ); this.$random = this.$container.find( '.random' ); this.$slideshow = this.$container.find( '.slideshow' ); this.intJGalleryId = this.$jGallery.attr( 'data-jgallery-id' ); this.booSlideshowPlayed = false; this.booLoadingInProgress = false; this.booLoadedAll = false; this.$title.on( 'click', function() { $( this ).toggleClass( 'expanded' ); } ); this.update(); }; Zoom.prototype = { update: function() { var transition = jGalleryTransitions[ this.jGallery.options.transition ]; this.$container.attr( 'data-size', this.jGallery.options.zoomSize ); this.$element.find( '.pt-page' ) .removeClass( this.jGallery.options.hideEffect ) .removeClass( this.jGallery.options.showEffect ); if ( typeof transition !== 'undefined' ) { this.jGallery.options.hideEffect = transition[ 0 ]; this.jGallery.options.showEffect = transition[ 1 ]; } this.initAdvancedAnimation(); }, initAdvancedAnimation: function() { if ( typeof this.advancedAnimation === 'undefined' ) { this.advancedAnimation = new AdvancedAnimation( this.$element ); } this.advancedAnimation.setAnimationProperties( { duration: this.jGallery.options.transitionDuration, transitionTimingFunction: this.jGallery.options.transitionTimingFunction } ); this.advancedAnimation.setDirection( this.jGallery.options.transitionWaveDirection ); this.advancedAnimation.setQuantityParts( this.jGallery.options.transitionCols, this.jGallery.options.transitionRows ); this.advancedAnimation.setHideEffect( this.jGallery.options.hideEffect ); this.advancedAnimation.setShowEffect( this.jGallery.options.showEffect ); }, setThumbnails: function( thumbnails ) { this.thumbnails = thumbnails; }, enableDrag: function() { if ( ! this.jGallery.options.draggableZoom ) { return; } var self = this; var startMarginLeft; var startMarginTop; var startDrag = function( event ) { var startX = event.pageX; var startY = event.pageY; var $img = self.$element.find( 'img.active' ); startMarginLeft = $img.css( 'margin-left' ); startMarginTop = $img.css( 'margin-top' ); self.$element.on( { mousemove: function( event ) { drag( event.pageX - startX, event.pageY - startY ); }, mouseleave: function() { stopDrag(); } } ); if ( self.jGallery.options.zoomSize === 'fill' ) { self.$dragNav.removeClass( 'hide' ).addClass( 'show' ); } drag( 0, 0 ); }; var stopDrag = function() { self.$element.off( 'mousemove' ); if ( self.jGallery.options.zoomSize === 'fill' ) { self.$dragNav.removeClass( 'show' ).addClass( 'hide' ); } }; var drag = function( x, y ) { var marginLeft = parseFloat( parseFloat( startMarginLeft ) + x ); var marginTop = parseFloat( parseFloat( startMarginTop ) + y ); var $img = self.$element.find( 'img.active' ); var $first = $img.eq( 0 ); var $last = $img.eq( -1 ); var $lastParent = $last.parent(); if ( $first.position().left + marginLeft < 0 && $last.position().left + $last.width() + marginLeft > $lastParent.outerWidth() ) { $img.css( { 'margin-left': marginLeft } ); self.$dragNavCrop.css( { left: - ( $first.position().left + marginLeft ) / $img.width() * 100 + '%' } ); } if ( $first.position().top + marginTop < 0 && $last.position().top + $last.height() + marginTop > $lastParent.outerHeight() ) { $img.css( { 'margin-top': marginTop } ); self.$dragNavCrop.css( { top: - ( $first.position().top + marginTop ) / $img.height() * 100 + '%' } ); } self.$dragNavCropImg.css( { 'margin-left': - self.$dragNavCrop.position().left, 'margin-top': - self.$dragNavCrop.position().top } ); }; if ( self.jGallery.options.zoomSize === 'original' ) { self.$dragNav.removeClass( 'hide' ).addClass( 'show' ); } this.refreshDragNavCropSize(); this.$element.css( 'cursor', 'move' ).on( { mousedown: function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); startDrag( event ); self.slideshowPause(); }, mouseup: function() { stopDrag(); } } ); this.$left.add( this.$right ).hide(); }, disableDrag: function() { if ( ! this.jGallery.options.draggableZoom ) { return; } this.$dragNav.removeClass( 'show' ).addClass( 'hide' ); this.$element.css( 'cursor', 'default' ); this.$element.off(); this.$left.add( this.$right ).show(); }, refreshContainerSize: function () { var intNavBottomHeight = this.jGallery.isSlider() ? 0 : this.$container.find( '.nav-bottom' ).outerHeight(); var isThumbnailsVisible = ! this.jGallery.isSlider() && ! this.thumbnails.getElement().is( '.hidden' ); var strThumbnailsPosition = isThumbnailsVisible ? this.jGallery.options.thumbnailsPosition : ''; this.$container.css( { 'width': isThumbnailsVisible && this.thumbnails.isVertical() ? this.$jGallery.width() - this.thumbnails.getElement().outerWidth( true ) : 'auto', 'height': isThumbnailsVisible && this.thumbnails.isHorizontal() ? this.$jGallery.height() - this.thumbnails.getElement().outerHeight( true ) - intNavBottomHeight : this.$jGallery.height() - intNavBottomHeight, 'margin-top': strThumbnailsPosition === 'top' ? this.thumbnails.getElement().outerHeight( true ) : 0, 'margin-left': strThumbnailsPosition === 'left' ? this.thumbnails.getElement().outerWidth( true ) : 0, 'margin-right': strThumbnailsPosition === 'right' ? this.thumbnails.getElement().outerWidth( true ) : 0 } ); if ( this.jGallery.options.draggableZoom ) { this.refreshDragNavCropSize(); } }, refreshSize: function() { if ( this.thumbnails.isFullScreen() ) { return; } this.refreshContainerSize(); if ( this.jGallery.options.zoomSize === 'original' ) { this.original(); } else if ( this.jGallery.options.zoomSize === 'fill' ) { this.fill(); } else { this.fit(); } this.$element.addClass( 'visible' ); }, refreshDragNavCropSize: function() { var $img = this.$element.find( 'img.active' ); var cropPositionLeft; var cropPositionTop; this.$dragNavCrop.css( { width: this.$element.width() / $img.width() * 100 + '%', height: this.$element.height() / $img.height() * 100 + '%' } ); if ( $img.attr( 'data-width' ) < this.$container.outerWidth() ) { cropPositionLeft = 0; } else { cropPositionLeft = ( this.$dragNav.width() - this.$dragNavCrop.width() ) / 2; } if ( $img.attr( 'data-height' ) < this.$container.outerHeight() ) { cropPositionTop = 0; } else { cropPositionTop = ( this.$dragNav.height() - this.$dragNavCrop.height() ) / 2; } this.$dragNavCrop.css( { left: cropPositionLeft, top: cropPositionTop } ); if ( this.$dragNavCropImg.length ) { this.$dragNavCropImg.css( { 'margin-left': - cropPositionLeft, 'margin-top': - cropPositionTop } ); } }, changeSize: function() { if ( this.jGallery.options.zoomSize === 'fit' ) { this.jGallery.options.zoomSize = 'fill'; this.fill(); } else if ( this.jGallery.options.zoomSize === 'fill' ) { var $img = this.$element.find( 'img.active' ).eq( 0 ); if ( this.$element.outerWidth().toString() === $img.attr( 'data-width' ) ) { this.jGallery.options.zoomSize = 'fit'; this.fit(); } else { this.jGallery.options.zoomSize = 'original'; this.original(); } } else if ( this.jGallery.options.zoomSize === 'original' ) { this.jGallery.options.zoomSize = 'fit'; this.fit(); } this.$container.attr( 'data-size', this.jGallery.options.zoomSize ); }, original: function() { var $img = this.$element.find( 'img.active' ); this.advancedAnimation.setPositionParts(); this.setImgSizeForOriginal( $img ); this.setImgSizeForOriginal( this.$element.find( '.pt-page.init img' ) ); if ( $img.attr( 'data-width' ) <= this.$element.outerWidth() && $img.attr( 'data-height' ) <= this.$element.outerHeight() ) { this.$resize.addClass( 'fa-search-plus' ).removeClass( 'fa-search-minus' ); this.disableDrag(); } else { this.$resize.addClass( 'fa-search-minus' ).removeClass( 'fa-search-plus' ); this.enableDrag(); } }, fit: function() { var $img = this.$element.find( 'img.active' ).add( this.$element.find( '.pt-page.init img' ) ); this.advancedAnimation.setPositionParts(); this.setImgSizeForFit( $img.filter( '.active' ) ); this.setImgSizeForFit( $img.filter( ':not( .active )' ) ); this.$resize.addClass( 'fa-search-plus' ).removeClass( 'fa-search-minus' ); this.disableDrag(); }, fill: function() { var $img = this.$element.find( 'img.active' ); this.setImgSizeForFill( $img ); this.setImgSizeForFill( this.$element.find( '.pt-page.init img' ) ); this.advancedAnimation.setPositionParts(); if ( $img.attr( 'data-width' ) > $img.width() && $img.attr( 'data-height' ) > $img.height() ) { this.$resize.addClass( 'fa-search-plus' ).removeClass( 'fa-search-minus' ); } else { this.$resize.addClass( 'fa-search-minus' ).removeClass( 'fa-search-plus' ); } this.enableDrag(); }, setImgSizeForOriginal: function( $img ) { $img.css( { 'width': $img.attr( 'data-width' ), 'height': $img.attr( 'data-height' ), 'min-width': 0, 'min-height': 0, 'max-width': 'none', 'max-height': 'none' } ); $img.css( { 'margin-top': - $img.height() / 2, 'margin-left': - $img.width() / 2 } ); }, setImgSizeForFit: function( $img ) { var intNavBottomHeight = this.jGallery.isSlider() ? 0 : this.$container.find( '.nav-bottom' ).outerHeight(); var isThumbnailsVisible = ! this.jGallery.isSlider() && ! this.thumbnails.getElement().is( '.hidden' ); $img.css( { 'width': 'auto', 'height': 'auto', 'min-width': 0, 'min-height': 0, 'max-width': isThumbnailsVisible && this.thumbnails.isVertical() ? this.$jGallery.width() - this.thumbnails.getElement().outerWidth( true ) : this.$jGallery.width(), 'max-height': isThumbnailsVisible && this.thumbnails.isHorizontal() ? this.$jGallery.height() - this.thumbnails.getElement().outerHeight( true ) - intNavBottomHeight : this.$jGallery.height() - intNavBottomHeight } ); if ( $img.width() / $img.height() / this.jGallery.getCanvasRatioWidthToHeight() < 1 ) { $img.css( { 'width': 'auto', 'height': isThumbnailsVisible && this.thumbnails.isHorizontal() ? this.$jGallery.height() - this.thumbnails.getElement().outerHeight( true ) - intNavBottomHeight : this.$jGallery.height() - intNavBottomHeight } ); } else { $img.css( { 'width': isThumbnailsVisible && this.thumbnails.isVertical() ? this.$jGallery.width() - this.thumbnails.getElement().outerWidth( true ) : this.$jGallery.width(), 'height': 'auto' } ); } $img.css( { 'margin-top': - $img.height() / 2, 'margin-left': - $img.width() / 2 } ); }, setImgSizeForFill: function( $img ) { var intNavBottomHeight = this.jGallery.isSlider() ? 0 : this.$container.find( '.nav-bottom' ).outerHeight(); var isThumbnailsVisible = ! this.jGallery.isSlider() && ! this.thumbnails.getElement().is( '.hidden' ); $img.css( { 'width': 'auto', 'height': 'auto', 'max-width': 'none', 'max-height': 'none', 'min-width': 0, 'min-height': 0 } ); if ( $img.width() / $img.height() / this.jGallery.getCanvasRatioWidthToHeight() > 1 ) { $img.css( { 'width': 'auto', 'height': isThumbnailsVisible && this.thumbnails.isHorizontal() ? this.$jGallery.height() - this.thumbnails.getElement().outerHeight( true ) - intNavBottomHeight : this.$jGallery.height() - intNavBottomHeight } ); } else { $img.css( { 'width': isThumbnailsVisible && this.thumbnails.isVertical() ? this.$jGallery.width() - this.thumbnails.getElement().outerWidth( true ) : this.$jGallery.width(), 'height': 'auto' } ); } $img.css( { 'min-width': isThumbnailsVisible && this.thumbnails.isVertical() ? this.$jGallery.width() - this.thumbnails.getElement().outerWidth( true ) : this.$jGallery.width(), 'min-height': isThumbnailsVisible && this.thumbnails.isHorizontal() ? this.$jGallery.height() - this.thumbnails.getElement().outerHeight( true ) - intNavBottomHeight : this.$jGallery.height() - intNavBottomHeight } ); $img.css( { 'margin-top': - $img.height() / 2, 'margin-left': - $img.width() / 2 } ); }, isLoaded: function( $a ) { return this.$element.find( 'img' ).filter( '[src="' + $a.attr( 'href' ) + '"]' ).length > 0; }, refreshNav: function() { var $thumbActive = this.thumbnails.getElement().find( 'div.active a.active' ); $thumbActive.prev( 'a' ).length === 1 ? this.$btnPrev.add( this.$container.children( '.left' ) ).removeClass( 'hidden' ) : this.$btnPrev.add( this.$container.children( '.left' ) ).addClass( 'hidden' ); $thumbActive.next( 'a' ).length === 1 ? this.$btnNext.add( this.$container.children( '.right' ) ).removeClass( 'hidden' ) : this.$btnNext.add( this.$container.children( '.right' ) ).addClass( 'hidden' ); if ( this.$element.is( '.is-link' ) ) { this.$container.children( '.left, .right' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); } }, slideshowStop: function () { this.slideshowPause(); this.jGallery.progress.clear(); }, slideshowPause: function () { this.jGallery.progress.pause(); this.$slideshow.removeClass( 'fa-pause' ).addClass( 'fa-play' ); this.booSlideshowPlayed = false; if ( this.jGallery.options.slideshowCanRandom ) { this.$random.hide(); } }, slideshowPlay: function() { if ( this.booLoadingInProgress || this.booSlideshowPlayed ) { return; } this.booSlideshowPlayed = true; this.$slideshow.removeClass( 'fa-play' ).addClass( 'fa-pause' ); this.slideshowSetTimeout(); if ( this.jGallery.options.slideshowCanRandom ) { this.$random.show(); } }, slideshowPlayPause: function() { this.$slideshow.is( '.fa-play' ) ? this.slideshowPlay() : this.slideshowPause(); }, slideshowSetTimeout: function() { var self = this; this.jGallery.progress.start( this.$container.width(), function() { self.jGallery.progress.clear(); self.jGallery.options.slideshowRandom ? self.showRandomPhoto() : self.showNextPhotoLoop(); } ); }, slideshowRandomToggle: function() { if ( this.jGallery.options.slideshowRandom ) { this.$random.removeClass( 'active' ); this.jGallery.options.slideshowRandom = false; } else { this.$random.addClass( 'active' ); this.jGallery.options.slideshowRandom = true; } }, showNextPhotoLoop: function() { var $next = this.thumbnails.$a.filter( '.active' ).next( 'a' ); if ( $next.length === 0 ) { $next = this.thumbnails.$albums.filter( '.active' ).find( 'a' ).eq( 0 ); } this.showPhoto( $next ); }, showRandomPhoto: function() { var $thumbnailsANotActive = this.thumbnails.$albums.filter( '.active' ).find( 'a:not(.active)' ); this.showPhoto( $thumbnailsANotActive.eq( Math.floor( Math.random() * $thumbnailsANotActive.length ) ) ); }, showPrevPhoto: function() { var $prev = this.thumbnails.$a.filter( '.active' ).prev( 'a' ); if ( $prev.length === 1 ) { this.showPhoto( $prev ); } }, showNextPhoto: function() { var $next = this.thumbnails.$a.filter( '.active' ).next( 'a' ); if ( $next.length === 1 ) { this.showPhoto( $next ); } }, showPhotoInit: function() { this.jGallery.init(); }, showPhoto: function( $a, options ) { var self = this; var $imgThumb = $a.children( 'img' ); var booIsLoaded; var albumTitle; var transition; var transitionName; if ( ! 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jGalleryId || $this.is( '[data-jgallery-id]' ) ) { return; } this.$this = $this; this.intId = jGalleryId; this.$this.attr( 'data-jgallery-id', this.intId ); this.overrideOptions( options ); this.booIsAlbums = $this.find( '.album:has(a:has(img))' ).length > 1; if ( this.options.disabledOnIE8AndOlder && isInternetExplorer8AndOlder() ) { return; } this.init( { success: function() { if ( self.options.browserHistory ) { self.browserHistory(); } if ( self.options.autostart ) { self.autostart(); } refreshHTMLClasses(); $html.on( { keydown: function( event ) { if ( self.$element.is( ':visible' ) ) { if ( event.which === 27 ) { event.preventDefault(); if ( self.thumbnails.getElement().is( '.full-screen' ) ) { self.thumbnails.changeViewToBar(); self.zoom.refreshSize(); return; } self.hide(); } if ( event.which === 37 ) { event.preventDefault(); self.zoom.showPrevPhoto(); } if ( event.which === 39 ) { event.preventDefault(); self.zoom.showNextPhoto(); } } } } ); } } ); }; JGallery.prototype = { template: { html: '', done: function( fn ) { fn( this.html ); } }, initialized: function() { return this.$this.is( '[data-jgallery-id]' ); }, update: function( options ) { var self = this; this.template.done( function() { self.overrideOptions( options ); if ( self.options.disabledOnIE8AndOlder && isInternetExplorer8AndOlder() ) { return; } self.booIsAlbums = self.$this.find( '.album:has(a:has(img))' ).length > 1; self.zoom.update(); self.thumbnails.init(); self.setUserOptions(); self.reloadThumbnails(); self.refreshDimensions(); } ); }, overrideOptions: function( options ) { var modeIsDefined = typeof options !== 'undefined' && typeof options.mode !== 'undefined'; this.options = $.extend( {}, defaults, this.options ); if ( modeIsDefined && options.mode === 'full-screen' ) { this.options = $.extend( {}, this.options, defaultsFullScreenMode, options, requiredFullScreenMode ); } else if ( modeIsDefined && options.mode === 'slider' ) { this.options = $.extend( {}, this.options, defaultsSliderMode, options, requiredSliderMode ); } else { this.options = $.extend( {}, this.options, options ); } }, reloadThumbnails: function() { new ThumbnailsGenerator( this, { thumbsHidden: false } ); this.generateAlbumsDropdown(); this.thumbnails.reload(); }, setVariables: function() { this.$element = $( '.jgallery' ).filter( '[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"]' ); this.progress = new Progress( this.$element.find( '.zoom-container' ).children( '.progress' ), this ); this.zoom = new Zoom( this ); this.thumbnails = new Thumbnails( this ); this.zoom.setThumbnails( this.thumbnails ); }, show: function() { this.$this.hide(); $window.on( 'resize', { jGallery: this }, this.windowOnResize ); if ( this.options.mode === 'full-screen' ) { this.bodyOverflowBeforeShow = $body.css( 'overflow' ); $body.css( { 'overflow': 'hidden' } ); } this.$element.not( ':visible' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ).stop( false, true ).fadeIn( 500 ); this.zoom.refreshContainerSize(); this.zoom.$title.removeClass( 'hidden' ); this.options.showGallery(); if ( this.iconChangeAlbum instanceof IconChangeAlbum ) { this.iconChangeAlbum.refreshMenuHeight(); } refreshHTMLClasses(); }, hide: function( options ) { var self = this; if ( ! this.options.canClose ) { return; } options = $.extend( {}, { historyPushState: true }, options ); this.$element.filter( ':visible' ).stop( false, true ).addClass( 'hidden' ).fadeOut( 500, function() { if ( self.options.mode === 'full-screen' ) { $body.css( { 'overflow': self.bodyOverflowBeforeShow } ); } refreshHTMLClasses(); } ); this.zoom.booLoadingInProgress = false; clearTimeout( this.zoom.showPhotoTimeout ); this.zoom.$title.addClass( 'hidden' ); this.zoom.$btnPrev.addClass( 'hidden' ); this.zoom.$btnNext.addClass( 'hidden' ); this.zoom.slideshowPause(); this.zoom.advancedAnimation.hideActive(); this.zoom.unmarkActive(); $window.off( 'resize', this.windowOnResize ); this.$this.show(); if ( options.historyPushState && this.options.browserHistory ) { historyPushState(); } this.options.closeGallery(); }, autostart: function() { var $album; var $thumb; if ( this.$element.is( ':visible' ) ) { return; } if ( this.booIsAlbums ) { $album = this.thumbnails.getElement().find( '.album' ).eq( this.options.autostartAtAlbum - 1 ); if ( $album.length === 0 ) { $album = this.thumbnails.getElement().find( '.album' ).eq( 0 ); } } else { $album = this.thumbnails.getElement(); } $thumb = $album.find( 'a' ).eq( this.options.autostartAtImage - 1 ); if ( $thumb.length === 0 ) { $thumb = $album.find( 'a' ).eq( 0 ); } $thumb.trigger( 'click' ); }, browserHistory: function() { var self = this; var windowOnPopState = window.onpopstate; function callActionByUrl() { var hash; if ( ! document.location.hash ) { return; } hash = document.location.hash.replace( '#', '' ); switch ( hash ) { case '': self.hide( { historyPushState: true } ); break; default: self.zoom.showPhotoByPath( hash ); } } window.onpopstate = function() { if ( typeof windowOnPopState === 'function' ) { windowOnPopState(); } callActionByUrl(); }; if ( this.options.autostart ) { callActionByUrl(); } }, generateAlbumsDropdown: function() { var self = this; this.$element.find( '.change-album' ).remove(); if ( ! this.booIsAlbums ) { return; } this.zoom.$container.find( '.nav-bottom > .icons' ).append( '\ \ \ \ \ ' ); this.iconChangeAlbum = new IconChangeAlbum( self.zoom.$container.find( '.change-album' ), this ); this.iconChangeAlbum.clearMenu(); this.thumbnails.$albums.each( function() { var strTitle = $( this ).attr( 'data-jgallery-album-title' ); self.iconChangeAlbum.appendToMenu( '' + strTitle + '' ); } ); this.thumbnails.getElement().append( this.iconChangeAlbum.getElement().outerHtml() ); this.iconChangeAlbum = new IconChangeAlbum( this.iconChangeAlbum.getElement().add( this.thumbnails.getElement().children( ':last-child' ) ), this ); this.iconChangeAlbum.bindEvents( this ); }, init: function( options ) { var self = this; options = $.extend( { success: function(){} }, options ); $head.append( '' ); this.options.initGallery(); this.generateHtml( { success: function() { new ThumbnailsGenerator( self ); self.setVariables(); self.thumbnails.init(); self.thumbnails.getElement().append( '' ); self.generateAlbumsDropdown(); self.setUserOptions(); if ( self.options.zoomSize === 'fit' || self.options.zoomSize === 'original' ) { self.zoom.$resize.addClass( 'fa-search-plus' ); } if ( self.options.zoomSize === 'fill' ) { self.zoom.$resize.addClass( 'fa-search-minus' ); } if ( ! isInternetExplorer() ) { self.$element.addClass( 'text-shadow' ); } self.thumbnails.refreshNavigation(); self.zoom.refreshNav(); self.zoom.refreshSize(); self.$this.on( 'click', 'a:has(img)', function( event ) { var $this = $( this ); event.preventDefault(); self.zoom.showPhoto( $this ); } ); self.thumbnails.$element.on( 'click', 'a', function( event ) { var $this = $( this ); event.preventDefault(); if ( $this.is( ':not(.active)' ) ) { self.zoom.slideshowStop(); self.zoom.showPhoto( $this ); } else if ( self.thumbnails.isFullScreen() ) { self.thumbnails.changeViewToBar(); self.zoom.refreshSize(); } } ); self.zoom.$btnPrev.add( self.zoom.$container.find( '.left' ) ).on( { click: function() { self.zoom.slideshowStop(); self.zoom.showPrevPhoto(); } } ); self.zoom.$btnNext.add( self.zoom.$container.find( '.right' ) ).on( { click: function() { self.zoom.slideshowStop(); self.zoom.showNextPhoto(); } } ); self.zoom.$container.find( '.jgallery-close' ).on( { click: function() { self.hide(); } } ); self.zoom.$random.on( { click: function() { self.zoom.slideshowRandomToggle(); } } ); self.zoom.$resize.on( { click: function() { self.zoom.changeSize(); self.zoom.slideshowPause(); } } ); self.zoom.$changeMode.on( { click: function() { self.zoom.changeMode(); } } ); self.zoom.$slideshow.on( { click: function() { self.zoom.slideshowPlayPause(); } } ); self.zoom.$container.find( '.minimalize-thumbnails' ).on( { click: function() { self.thumbnails.toggle(); self.zoom.refreshSize(); } } ); self.thumbnails.bindEvents(); options.success(); } } ); }, isSlider: function() { return this.options.mode === 'slider'; }, windowOnResize: function( event ) { event.data.jGallery.refreshDimensions(); }, refreshDimensions: function() { this.zoom.refreshSize(); if ( this.iconChangeAlbum instanceof IconChangeAlbum ) { this.iconChangeAlbum.refreshMenuHeight(); } this.thumbnails.refreshNavigation(); }, getCanvasRatioWidthToHeight: function() { var intCanvasWidth; var intCanvasHeight; if ( this.thumbnails.isHorizontal() ) { intCanvasWidth = this.$element.width(); intCanvasHeight = this.$element.height() - this.thumbnails.getElement().outerHeight( true ); } else if ( this.thumbnails.isVertical() ) { intCanvasWidth = this.$element.width() - this.thumbnails.getElement().outerWidth( true ); intCanvasHeight = this.$element.height(); } else { intCanvasWidth = this.$element.width(); intCanvasHeight = this.$element.height(); } return intCanvasWidth / intCanvasHeight; }, setUserOptions: function() { var options = this.options; var mode = options.mode; var width = mode === 'full-screen' ? 'auto' : options.width; var height = mode === 'full-screen' ? 'auto' : options.height; this.refreshAttrClasses(); this.options.canZoom ? this.zoom.$resize.show() : this.zoom.$resize.hide(); this.options.canChangeMode ? this.zoom.$changeMode.show() : this.zoom.$changeMode.hide(); this.options.mode === 'standard' ? this.zoom.$changeMode.removeClass( 'fa-compress' ).addClass( 'fa-expand' ) : this.zoom.$changeMode.removeClass( 'fa-expand' ).addClass( 'fa-compress' ); this.options.canClose ? this.zoom.$container.find( '.jgallery-close' ).show() : this.zoom.$container.find( '.jgallery-close' ).hide(); if ( ! this.options.thumbnails ) { this.thumbnails.getElement().addClass( 'inactive' ); this.options.thumbnailsPosition = ''; } else { this.thumbnails.getElement().removeClass( 'inactive' ); if ( this.options.thumbnailsPosition === '' ) { this.options.thumbnailsPosition = defaults.thumbnailsPosition; } } this.options.slideshow ? this.zoom.$slideshow.show() : this.zoom.$slideshow.hide(); this.options.slideshow && this.options.slideshowCanRandom && this.options.slideshowAutostart ? this.zoom.$random.show(): this.zoom.$random.hide(); this.options.slideshow && this.options.slideshowCanRandom && this.options.slideshowRandom ? this.zoom.$random.addClass( 'active' ) : this.zoom.$random.removeClass( 'active' ); this.options.thumbnailsFullScreen && this.options.thumbnails ? this.zoom.$container.find( '.full-screen' ).show() : this.zoom.$container.find( '.full-screen' ).hide(); this.options.canMinimalizeThumbnails && this.options.thumbnails ? this.zoom.$container.find( '.minimalize-thumbnails' ).show() : this.zoom.$container.find( '.minimalize-thumbnails' ).hide(); this.options.hideThumbnailsOnInit && this.options.thumbnails ? this.thumbnails.hide() : this.thumbnails.show(); this.options.titleExpanded ? this.zoom.$title.addClass( 'expanded' ) : this.zoom.$title.removeClass( 'expanded' ); this.setColours( { strBg: this.options.backgroundColor, strText: this.options.textColor } ); this.options.tooltips ? this.$jgallery.addClass( 'jgallery-tooltips' ) : this.$jgallery.removeClass( 'jgallery-tooltips' ); this.$jgallery.css( { width: width, height: height } ); }, refreshAttrClasses: function() { var self = this; var modes = [ 'standard', 'full-screen', 'slider' ]; $.each( modes, function( key, value ) { self.$jgallery.removeClass( 'jgallery-' + value ); } ); this.$jgallery.addClass( 'jgallery-' + this.options.mode ); }, setColours: function( options ) { $head.find( 'style[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"].colours' ).html( this.getCssForColours( options ) ); }, generateHtml: function( options ) { var self = this; options = $.extend( {}, { success: function(){} }, options ); this.template.done( function( html ) { ( function() { var options = self.options; var mode = options.mode; if ( mode === 'full-screen' ) { self.$jgallery = self.$this.after( html ).next(); } else { if ( options.autostart ) { self.$this.hide(); } self.$jgallery = self.$this.after( html ).next(); } self.$jgallery.addClass( 'jgallery-' + mode ).attr( 'data-jgallery-id', self.intId ); self.$jgallery.find( '.fa.slideshow' ).attr( 'tooltip', options.tooltipSlideshow ); self.$jgallery.find( '.fa.resize' ).attr( 'tooltip', options.tooltipZoom ); self.$jgallery.find( '.fa.change-mode' ).attr( 'tooltip', options.tooltipFullScreen ); self.$jgallery.find( '.fa.jgallery-close' ).attr( 'tooltip', options.tooltipClose ); self.$jgallery.find( '.fa.random' ).attr( 'tooltip', options.tooltipRandom ); self.$jgallery.find( '.fa.full-screen' ).attr( 'tooltip', options.tooltipSeeAllPhotos ); self.$jgallery.find( '.fa.minimalize-thumbnails' ).attr( 'tooltip', options.tooltipToggleThumbnails ); } )(); options.success(); } ); }, getCssForColours: function( objOptions ) { objOptions = $.extend( { strBg: 'rgb( 0, 0, 0 )', strText: 'rgb( 255, 255, 255 )' }, objOptions ); var arrText; var arrBg; var arrBgAlt; if ( typeof tinycolor === 'function' ) { arrText = tinycolor( objOptions.strText ).toRgb(); arrBg = tinycolor( objOptions.strBg ).toRgb(); if ( arrBg.r + arrBg.g + arrBg.b > 375 ) { arrBg = tinycolor.darken( objOptions.strBg ).toRgb(); arrBgAlt = tinycolor( objOptions.strBg ).toRgb(); } else { arrBg = tinycolor( objOptions.strBg ).toRgb(); arrBgAlt = tinycolor.lighten( objOptions.strBg ).toRgb(); } } else { arrBg = { r: 230, g: 230, b: 230 }; arrBgAlt = { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 }; arrText = { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }; } return '\ .jgallery[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"] {\ background: rgb(' + arrBg.r + ',' + arrBg.g + ', ' + arrBg.b + ');\ }\ .jgallery[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"] [tooltip]:after {\ background: rgba(' + arrText.r + ',' + arrText.g + ', ' + arrText.b + ', .9);\ color: rgb(' + arrBg.r + ',' + arrBg.g + ', ' + arrBg.b + ');\ }\ .jgallery[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"] .jgallery-btn {\ color: rgb(' + arrText.r + ',' + arrText.g + ', ' + arrText.b + ');\ text-shadow: 0 0 1px rgb(' + arrBg.r + ',' + arrBg.g + ', ' + arrBg.b + ');\ }\ .jgallery[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"] .jgallery-btn.active {\ color: rgb(' + arrText.r + ',' + arrText.g + ', ' + arrText.b + ');\ }\ .jgallery[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"] .jgallery-btn:hover {\ text-shadow: none;\ text-shadow: 0 0 .15em rgba(' + arrText.r + ',' + arrText.g + ', ' + arrText.b + ',.75), 0 0 .45em rgba(' + arrText.r + ',' + arrText.g + ', ' + arrText.b + ',.5);\ }\ .jgallery[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"] .change-album .menu {\ background: rgb(' + arrBgAlt.r + ',' + arrBgAlt.g + ', ' + arrBgAlt.b + ');\ }\ .jgallery[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"] .zoom-container .nav-bottom .change-album > .title {\ background: rgb(' + arrBgAlt.r + ',' + arrBgAlt.g + ', ' + arrBgAlt.b + ');\ box-shadow: 4px 0 4px rgb(' + arrBgAlt.r + ',' + arrBgAlt.g + ', ' + arrBgAlt.b + ')\ }\ .jgallery[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"] .full-screen .change-album .menu {\ background: rgb(' + arrBg.r + ',' + arrBg.g + ', ' + arrBg.b + ');\ }\ .jgallery[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"] .change-album .menu .item {\ border-color: rgb(' + arrBg.r + ',' + arrBg.g + ', ' + arrBg.b + ');\ color: rgb(' + arrText.r + ',' + arrText.g + ', ' + arrText.b + ');\ background: rgb(' + arrBgAlt.r + ',' + arrBgAlt.g + ', ' + arrBgAlt.b + ');\ }\ .jgallery[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"] .full-screen .change-album .menu .item {\ border-color: rgb(' + arrBgAlt.r + ',' + arrBgAlt.g + ', ' + arrBgAlt.b + ');\ background: rgb(' + arrBg.r + ',' + arrBg.g + ', ' + arrBg.b + ');\ }\ .jgallery[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"] .change-album .menu .item.active,\ .jgallery[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"] .change-album .menu .item:hover {\ background: rgb(' + arrText.r + ',' + arrText.g + ', ' + arrText.b + ');\ color: rgb(' + arrBg.r + ',' + arrBg.g + ', ' + arrBg.b + ');\ }\ .jgallery[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"] .zoom-container:not([data-size="fill"]) .jgallery-container {\ background: rgb(' + arrBg.r + ',' + arrBg.g + ', ' + arrBg.b + ');\ }\ .jgallery[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"] .zoom-container .nav-bottom {\ background: rgb(' + arrBgAlt.r + ',' + arrBgAlt.g + ', ' + arrBgAlt.b + ');\ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 -3px rgba(' + arrBgAlt.r + ',' + arrBgAlt.g + ', ' + arrBgAlt.b + ', .5);\ box-shadow: 0 -3px rgba(' + arrBgAlt.r + ',' + arrBgAlt.g + ', ' + arrBgAlt.b + ', .5);\ }\ .jgallery[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"] .zoom-container .nav-bottom .icons,\ .jgallery[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"] .zoom-container .nav-bottom .icons .fa {\ background: rgb(' + arrBgAlt.r + ',' + arrBgAlt.g + ', ' + arrBgAlt.b + ');\ }\ .jgallery[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"] .zoom-container .nav-bottom > .title {\ color: rgb(' + arrText.r + ',' + arrText.g + ', ' + arrText.b + ');\ }\ .jgallery[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"] .zoom-container .nav-bottom > .title.expanded {\ background: rgba(' + arrBg.r + ',' + arrBg.g + ', ' + arrBg.b + ',.7);\ }\ .jgallery[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"] .zoom-container .drag-nav {\ background: rgb(' + arrBgAlt.r + ',' + arrBgAlt.g + ', ' + arrBgAlt.b + ');\ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px rgba(' + arrBgAlt.r + ',' + arrBgAlt.g + ', ' + arrBgAlt.b + ', .5);\ box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px rgba(' + arrBgAlt.r + ',' + arrBgAlt.g + ', ' + arrBgAlt.b + ', .5);\ }\ .jgallery[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"] .zoom-container .drag-nav .crop {\ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px rgba(' + arrText.r + ',' + arrText.g + ', ' + arrText.b + ', .5);\ box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px rgba(' + arrText.r + ',' + arrText.g + ', ' + arrText.b + ', .5);\ }\ .jgallery[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"] .jgallery-thumbnails {\ background: rgb(' + arrBgAlt.r + ',' + arrBgAlt.g + ', ' + arrBgAlt.b + ');\ }\ .jgallery[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"] .jgallery-thumbnails .ico {\ color: rgb(' + arrText.r + ',' + arrText.g + ', ' + arrText.b + ');\ }\ .jgallery[data-jgallery-id="' + this.intId + '"] .jgallery-thumbnails .jgallery-container {\ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px rgba(' + arrBgAlt.r + ',' + arrBgAlt.g + ', ' + 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