When will 5G become ubiquitous, and what will it mean for our lives?

November 11, 2020 2:00 PM | Skymet Weather Team

With 5G phones already available from all major brands, and plenty of news coverage for those areas already enjoying the benefit of the fifth-generation mobile network, many of us have been left wondering when, exactly, our hometowns are going to finally play catch up to the rest of the world and offer the high speeds that have been on the cards for more than three years now.

In India, uncertainty has prevailed for many months now, with the expected rollout being pushed back and, at times, feeling like an impossibility. According to recent reports, it looks likely that 5G will begin to pop up across the country in mid- to late-2021 which, although further away than many have been hoping, ensures that there is plenty of time to get to grips with the meaning of 5G before it comes into widespread usage.

And, while you can currently bag a holiday for the cost of a 5G iPhone, many of us are still hanging onto the edges of our seats for the next gen mobile network. So, what exactly will 5G mean for our lives when it does (finally) arrive on our phones?

Excellent Gameplay

For the mobile gamers – and some estimates predict more than 325 million by the year’s end, in India alone – 5G promises to open up some incredible new experiences. Among the frontrunners are casino games for mobile players, which, with the help of the fifth-generation network, will offer an incredibly smooth, speedy and high-quality experience via a low latency connection that will stand head and shoulders above 4G.

With speeds up to a hundred times greater than what we have seen over the last decade, we can feel confident that the mobile gaming community will continue to grow.

Better Business

Anyone who has attempted to complete work on the go will know that, in spite of all the high-tech gadgetry and widespread connectivity currently available to us, there are plenty of times when technology fails us and leaves us unable to continue with work when we are on the go. 5G is expected to open up the world of remote working and ensure that it is always possible to stay connected to the office – even when we are outside of the home.

From the morning commute to the international business trip, we will no longer need to worry about missing important meetings or failing to connect with our co-workers.

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Better Travel

You may not have heard about it yet, but you will soon get used to hearing the term ‘Vehicle to Everything’, which is more commonly being abbreviated to V2X. Initially, the notion of V2X will manifest as better communication between every element of road travel, from traffic lights to accidents, disruptions – even parking spaces.

In the future – although this is still a way off, it is very much on the horizon – this will make self-driving vehicles a much safer and more feasible technology for us to invest in.

In the meantime, we will be able to enjoy the transition to a safer and more efficient way of life whenever we get behind the wheel, thanks to the help of 5G.

While 5G may still be a distant prospect for many of us, its implementation in areas around the world has already proven itself to be incredibly valuable for the people living and working there. We should expect to see major cities get it first, which gives you plenty of time to prepare for a faster, smoother way of life when you are out and about.