Day temperatures in Delhi to fall as northwesterly winds sweep across India; rain likely in east, NE

April 3, 2013 4:19 PM | Skymet Weather Team

Day temperatures in Delhi would tumble back into early thirties after scaling up to 36 degree yesterday, the 2nd of April. Temperatures in India in its central peninsular parts would continue to remain in late thirties. Morning temperatures would fall a bit in almost the entire country, as northwesterly winds would prevail during the next couple of days. Rain is expected at one or two places in Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Vidarbha and Andhra Pradesh. Rain would continue to occur in northeastern states during the next 48 hours.

Pleasant temperatures in Delhi would be witnessed during the next couple of days as the recent maximum rise to 36 degrees will fall to around 31 degrees. Night temperatures will also fall a bit in Delhi during this period making morning hours cool. There could be warmth during afternoons but strong northwesterly winds would keep the day pleasant and charming.

Chances of rain in Delhi are less now during the next two days thus dry weather would continue till next week. Temperatures in Delhi during the day would rise gradually till the weekend. Sky will remain mainly clear in the days to come.

Day temperatures in late thirties in India in its central peninsular region would remain stable but night temperatures could fall a bit to make mornings better due to the reach of northwesterly winds in the next two days.

Some parts of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and north Karnataka are witnessing hot and uncomfortable days where temperatures would continue to be recorded at around 40 degrees. Marathwada and Vidarbha in the region are facing one of the worst droughts in last four decades.

Vidarbha could receive light rain along with some parts of Andhra Pradesh including the capital Hyderabad during the next 24 hours. A trough (a region of intensified moist winds) of low pressure area from Rajasthan to south Tamil Nadu across west Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka persists in these areas.

Rain is expected in Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Orissa as a trough of low pressure area runs from Assam to Orissa across Gangetic West Bengal. Rain could be experienced at one or two places here. But there could be rainfall at more places in northeast region due the same trough.