Mumbai Weather : Forecast For February

January 30, 2015 5:05 PM | Skymet Weather Team

Mumbai generally experiences contrasting weather conditions. The city remains completely wet in the monsoon season and is generally dry otherwise. Mumbai remains mostly hot with moisture creating humid conditions for its residents. Not many fluctuations take place in the city when it comes to maximums and minimums. This is mainly due to its close proximity to the coast.

Simply speaking, the months of December, January, and February are the three most pleasant months to spend in Mumbai. There’s hardly any precipitation during these months and thus rainfall is minimal. January, which just went by, observed day temperatures as high as 33°C with the lowest minimum being recorded at 13.6°C. The highest minimum for the month of January was recorded at 20°C while the lowest maximum for the month touched 27.3°C. The overall extremely high maximums led to very hot and humid conditions in the city. As for minimums, it is not very common for Mumbai to record single digit minimums except for a couple of instances.

As for February, there will be a rise in both maximums and minimums. The first fortnight will be normal but the pinch will be felt from second fortnight onwards. The days will remain warm and humid while the nights will be pleasant. Wind direction reversal also takes place in Mumbai which results in a mostly moderate land to sea breeze during day time and a seat to land breeze during the evening. The maximums in February are expected to maintain an average of 31°C in the first half and can touch an average of 32°C in the second half. The average minimum temperature is expected to be around 17°C in the first half and is expected to reach around 19°C in the second half.

February too is expected to experience minimal rainfall of around 1.3 mm. Patchy clouds may reign over the city but there won’t be any threat of rain. The diurnal variation (i.e. the difference in maximum and minimum temperature) is generally 15°C for Mumbai but has been recorded as low as 10°C on few occasions. Generally speaking, February is fit for a visit to the beautiful beaches and exciting night-life of Mumbai.