The increasing day temperature over the plains of North and Central India is giving a feel of mild summer days. The day temperatures are beyond the mid-20s over large parts of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and some pockets of Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. Delhi, as such, has witnessed a fairly warm afternoon, persistently for the last three days. It may as well be construed as receding winters but factually it could be rather early to make such a statement.
The northern hills have witnessed a series of western disturbances, leading to sporadic snowfall. The wind pattern has altered frequently and the continuous flow of cold northwesterly winds from the snow-capped mountain peaks became a silent feature. Small-scale circulations in the lower levels of the atmosphere have further raised the stakes to take the mercury much above normal levels.
The day temperatures over the plains of Punjab and Haryana have risen to mid-20s. Many cities like Patiala, Ludhiana, Chandigarh, Karnal, Ambala and Sirsa have registered temperatures in the mid-20s. The mercury levels have risen further over Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and parts of Uttar Pradesh. Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh have breached the 30°C mark early in the season. Chittorgarh and Ujjain has touched 30°C. Noticeable cities clocking temperatures in excess of 25°C include Ajmer, Jaipur, Pilani, Bhopal, Gwalior, Guna, Shivpuri, Mandla, Sagar and Ujjain. Cities in Uttar Pradesh breaching the 25°C mark include the capital towns Lucknow, Fursatganj, Meerut and Kanpur. The neighbouring state of Gujarat has breached the 30°C mark in a few places. The industrial towns of Rajkot and Surat are the highest in the region with a maximum of about 34°C.
A western disturbance is marked over the Jammu & Kashmir region. An induced cyclonic circulation is lying over parts of Rajasthan. There are other small bubbles of circulation as well, over the plains. This feature has blocked the sweep of cold winds from the slopes of mountains to the plains, resulting rise in temperatures. The weather systems will move eastward over the next two days. In the wake of the system, chilly winds will resume, covering the plains of North and Central India. A significant drop in the mercury levels is likely over the weekend, around Republic Day. These conditions will even spill over to the start of the next week, as well.