Sultry weather in Chennai with on and off rains in between

October 13, 2023 7:32 PM | Skymet Weather Team

Now, the Southwest Monsoon is on the verge of withdrawal from the entire country and the effect of the Monsoon over southern parts of the country is also changing. Chennai has been seeing sultry weather conditions for now.

During the transition from Southwest Monsoon to Northeast Monsoon, for the southern parts, the weather patterns change. Rains, which were seen during the evening hours, are seen at midnight and in the early morning hours in the Northeast Monsoon season.

There is a Cyclonic Circulation off the coast, which is slightly far away from the coast, but keeps oscillating. There is a trough Comorin area. There is likely to be clouding but it will not impact Chennai today and tomorrow. There may be some rains around October 15th or so. Thus, Chennai will see sultry weather with rains in between.