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Catch a glimpse of Mars with naked eye as it is closest in 11 years

May 24, 2016 5:56 PM |

Catch a glimpse of Mars with naked eye as it is closest in 11 years

We, humans are obsessed with the red planet and our neighbouring planet Mars. We have made movies; assumed aliens live there and have sent satellites to learn more about the red planet. Well, in return the red planet has come closer to us than it has ever been in the last 11 years.

The red planet is at 75.96 million kilometres away from the Earth and it will be visible with naked eye. The planet will get closest to us on May 30 and will be there for a couple of weeks.

Just like the Mercury Transit this is the second major astronomical event happening in the month of May. And just like the Mercury Transit, Mars will be no more than a tiny light red coloured dot in the night sky.

With a telescope, one can still figure out some of the features of the planet. Mars can be seen in as part of a triangle which includes Saturn and the star Antares. The trio can be seen by looking low in the sky and find the red of Mars and the relatively bright yellow of Saturn.

On May 24, that is tonight, one can see the red planet on the south of the sky after midnight. And it will be visible throughout the first week of June. This is a rare celestial event that no one should miss out. But even if you do miss out on this event, in 2018 the planet will be closer than this.

In 2018, Mars will 57.61 million kilometres closer, and then you can still catch a glimpse of the red planet, a little more closely.

This video by NASA explains all that you need to know about the celestial events in May.

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