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Heavy Mumbai rains carry on as Monsoon remains vigorous

July 30, 2016 9:44 AM |

Monsoon in MumbaiMonsoon remained vigorous over Mumbai as Mumbai continued with the torrential three-digit rains for the second consecutive day. In span of 24 hours from 8:30 am on Friday, the Santa Cruz Observatory had recorded 115 mm of rain, while Colaba Observatory received 98 mm.

Further weather models are indicating that weather conditions are still favourable for good showers to continue over the financial capital during the next 48 hours.

According to Skymet Weather, these ongoing rains can be attributed to the cyclonic circulation prevailing over South Gujarat region. The system has kept the Monsoon current active over Gujarat as well as North Coastal Maharashtra.

Weathermen predict that system will continue to prevail over the region. As a result, we expect moderate to heavy showers will continue to lash the city for the next 24 hours.

The city has so far recorded 890.1 mm of rain and has already surpassed its mammoth monthly average rainfall of 799.7 mm. With more rains in offing, August is also likely to begin on a rainy note.

Both June and July managed to achieve their monthly target, even though they saw rains picking up in latter halves of the months. So far in the Monsoon season from June 1 to July 29, Mumbai has recorded 1154.6 mm of rain against the normal of 1272.7 mm, leading to rain deficiency of 9%.

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