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7 Ways to have fun indoors

April 21, 2020 8:51 AM |
Ways to have fun indoors

Whether you’re practicing social-distancing or the weather outside doesn’t let you enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, or camping, there are still plenty of things that you can do to keep yourself entertained when you’re stuck indoors. We have compiled a list of some ideas that will certainly help you and your family have fun together.

Art and music

One of the best ways to get out of your head when you’re stuck indoors is to get creative and there’s no better way to do this than with the help of art. You don’t need to be good at drawing, sculpting, or playing music to enjoy yourself.

This is also the perfect moment to nurture these hobbies and you should set up a little corner in your home where you can start practicing art or performing music. You might be tempted to spend big since, for example, the importance of a trombone stand cannot be understated but when first setting up your little corner you don’t want to go overboard.

Unless you’re certain that you want to pursue a specific art, you should only get beginner products. Those expensive watercolors might look good, but you have to be realistic and spend your money wisely. Having the best products on the market won’t make you a better artist, but practice will and what better time to do that than when you can’t go out.


Just because you’re stuck indoors and you can’t travel, it doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the cuisine of the places you’ve always wanted to visit. Now is the perfect time to get your collection of cookbooks and choose those recipes that you’ve always wanted to try. You can plan themed dinners that your family will certainly appreciate.

Cooking doesn’t need to be a solitary activity, you can bring the entire family in, even the little ones. Kids love to be helpful and you can give them small and simple jobs such as mixing or pouring in the flour, cleaning veggies and so forth.

Learn something new

With the internet at your fingertips, it is now easier than ever to take an online class or tutorial and develop new skills. You won’t even have to pay for it since with a simple online search you can find plenty of free options that range from language classes to crafts and DIY tutorials.

More downtime also means more time to read and you can finally get through any reading lists that you may have. If you want to make reading even more fun, you can put together a book club with your family or an online one with your friends.


Just because you can’t go to the gym or out jogging, it doesn’t mean that you need to spend all day on the couch. There are countless at-home workouts that provide the same benefits like a gym workout and most of them don’t even require equipment. You can use the weight of your body and household items to exercise in fun and unique ways.

Whether you only have a few minutes or hours to waste, there are plenty of cardio combinations that will have you sweating in no time. You can do exercises such as push-ups, jumping jacks, burpees, squats and so forth.

There are also many at-home exercise apps that you can try and most of them are free, so there’s no excuse not to try them.

Have a picnic

Even though you can’t go outside, it doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy an indoor picnic. Get the picnic blanket and a basket of food and eat your dinner as if you were outside. It is a great way to add variety when you’re stuck indoors and we can attest that both the kids and adults alike will have a lot of fun.

DIY projects

There are certainly a lot of things around your home that need tidying up, whether you’ve been meaning to paint a room, reorganize the pantry, or install some furniture. These minor updates can improve the environment for everyone and will certainly lift your mood and keep you busy for the day.

Get in touch with friends and family

Just because you can’t go visit, doesn’t mean that you can’t catch up with your friends and family. Talking with grandparents or friends over the phone or on Skype can be very therapeutic and a fun way of spending a few hours. 

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