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Best ways to take care of dogs in Monsoon

October 1, 2024 8:00 AM |

Monsoon care for dogs

Taking care of your dog’s hygiene becomes a Herculean task during monsoon.  Their relentless affinity for the rains makes it a daunting charge to keep them desiccated on a rainy day.


Monsoon brings in an array of allergies, fungal infections, stomach disorders and fur loss problems among pets and particularly dogs. It is important to keep a close eye on your dog as his toilet habits and the way he licks himself say a lot about his health.

Excessive licking could be due to allergies and other skin irritations. It can also be for some kind of pain or emotional issues like boredom.


Though we tend to religiously maintain our pet’s daily cleansing routine, we often neglect their food habits. Keep your dogs reverberating with energy by incorporating few dietary changes. Begin with washing the water and food bowl after every meal, and sanitizing their chews.


It’s a myth that eating habits of dogs depend on their size and not breed. In reality smaller breeds require different formulation of food as compared to larger ones. Most importantly draw a balanced meal plan for your pet comprising of chicken, lamb, egg, fish, rice, potato and other vegetables.  Over feeding your dog does not necessarily show your love for him. Remember that an adult dog should not be fed more than thrice a day, while a pup should be given small meals at regular intervals.

Owing to high humidity during monsoon, dogs generally do not prefer eating dry food. Give them hygienically prepared home-cooked wet food to meet their moisture requirement.


Fruits are good for humans but are an absolute no-no for dogs since they find fruits difficult to digest. Proteins are a power house of essential amino acids, which are required for muscle building and general growth of your dog. Proteins provide the required energy to your dog and they digest it easily too. A perfect concoction of proteins, vitamins and calcium will help to keep your dog active and healthy.

Dog Fashion

Invest in some trendy monsoon dog shirts to protect their fur. Wet fur can be the reason forfungal and yeast infections leading to even death. Your faithful pal needs special care including proper grooming, clean-up, nail clipping, dental supervision and of course your affection to remain in the best of health!

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