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What’s the weather like on other planets?

October 17, 2013 3:58 PM |

Life and weather on Earth is getting to boring for you? Here’s what will interest you about certain planets and their bizarre weather.

The weather on Earth may sometimes seem pretty extreme to you, but across the Solar System, even wilder weather phenomena are raging…

Venus – Well surely, women so hot belong from Venus! Escape the winter on earth and go enjoy that nice and warm weather on Venus where the atmosphere holds in the Sun’s heat and never lets the planet to cool off, even at night. However, it could get too hot at times when the day temperature goes beyond 50 degree Celsius, quite regularly surpassing the hottest day known on Earth (56.7°C on July 10, 1913 in Death Valley, California).


Mars – Though you can cool off a little at mars during the day, to run away from Venus’s severe heat, but you must pack your bags before night to return to mother earth or the extreme cold temperatures could chill your bones forever. The usual weather at night sees the minimum temperature drop 200º F below zero! The air is so thin that the heat from the daytime escapes into space at night.


Jupiter – This one’s no place for holiday or even for a visit. This gigantic ball of gas could suffocate you to death. Jupiter is a gas planet, made up of hydrogen and helium. At 318 times the size of Earth, Jupiter gives off more heat than it gets from the Sun. Storms are highly likely as high pressure forces helium to become liquid, causing heavy rain, and winds of up to 360kph. The famous red spot on Jupiter for example is a hurricane. It's larger than Earth and it’s been blowing for hundreds of years!

Saturn – Well, beauty isn’t everything.. This beautiful planet with its lovely rings and pretty band of clouds could attract anyone’s eye, but who likes to get stuck in a never ending stormy season! The second-largest planet in the Solar system is not a hospitable place, with winds blowing at a speed of 1,800kmph all day and night. Clouds are made up of ammonia and temperatures reach up to 14,727°C at the core. And since you can’t keep flying around all the time, it’s best to avoid Saturn. This giant gas won’t give you any ground to stand upon.

You can let your imagination run to far off places but eventually you have to come back home to planet Earth! And so as they always say..”Home Sweet Home”!!


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