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Alert and Alarm For The Hilly States, Very Heavy Snowfall Likely

February 29, 2024 3:37 PM |

Peak winters though have receded from the northern mountains but the spike of snowfall activity remains in the offing. Heavy to very heavy snowfall is likely across entire mountain ranges of the Himalayas over the next 3-4 days. The Brunt of the activity will be born by the Pir Panjal range, covering the Kashmir Valley and the Shivalik range. Low and mid reaches of Himachal Pradesh will also be impacted severely. The duration of intense activity in the state of Uttrakhand may be less, but it is going to be as strong as at other places in the mountains.

Western disturbance has already arrived and started weather activity. A cloudy sky with a thick sheet of medium clouds has already surrounded the valley. It may start raining anytime. But, the extreme will follow, a little later, between 01st and 03rd March. In this block too, the peak activity is expected on 02nd March. While, the system may vacate Jammu & Kashmir on 03rd March, with only remnant effect on Sunday, the other two states, Himachal Pradesh and Uttrakhand will continue on 03rdMar as well, more so, for Uttrakhand.

Heavy snowfall will disrupt the normal life. It will hamper the connectivity, both, road and air. Highways and arterial roads are likely to be choked. Landslides, rockslides and mudslides will block traffic in more than a few places. All the snow spots, popular with visitors need to restrict entry. The adventure activity is advised to be halted. Rescue and relief teams may stay in a state of readiness, to act at very short notice. Mounds of snow on the slopes will increase the danger of avalanches, post the event. Utmost caution needs to be exercised to safeguard life and assets. Broad clearance and improvement in the weather conditions are expected, not earlier than 05th March.

Image Credit: ndtvimg

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