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Maharashtra may soon be above normal, thanks to good Monsoon rains

July 10, 2016 5:13 PM |

Inside - Maharashtra - July 10

At present it is only Madhya Maharashtra which has received 10 % less than normal rainfall in the state of Maharashtra. Otherwise, the other three regions of Maharashtra i.e., Konkan & Goa, Marathwada and Vidarbha are enjoying surplus rainfall.

Since last few days the off-shore trough over West Coast of India has been weak. This weakening has resulted in subdued rainfall activity over Konkan & Goa. But now the off-shore trough has gained strength again. And the rain intensity has picked up pace again over the region.

We expect that good rainfall will continue over Konkan & Goa for the next 48 hours.

Since last 2-3 days, Vidarbha has also received heavy to extremely heavy rainfall and we expect that this will continue for another 24 hours. This is due to the cyclonic circulation over West Madhya Pradesh and East Rajasthan.

Marathwada has also received some good showers during last 24 hours. Light to moderate rain at many places is expected to continue over for another 2 days.

In comparison to the other regions of Maharashtra, Madhya Maharashtra has received relatively less rainfall. But it is expected that the region will pick up pace in term of rainfall. During the last 24 hours many districts of Madhya Maharashtra such as Nashik, Kolhapur, Pune, Satara and Sangli have received moderate to heavy rainfall.

Today also Nashik has received 87 mm of rainfall in a span of mere 6 hours.

This trend is expected to continue for the next 24 to 48 hours, and is likely to make up the rainfall deficiency in the region which is at present at 10%.  Overall the situation is likely to improve in Maharashtra.

Image Credit: IndianExpress

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