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Monsoon 2017: Mumbai rains to revive after 24 hours

July 12, 2017 1:16 PM |

Mumbai Rains

Mumbai rains have remained in hiding for quite some time now. In fact, for about ten days now, the city has only been witnessing light rains with isolated moderate showers on a few occasions. So much so that the last time the city witnessed rains over 10 mm was on July 3.


Since then, rain Gods have been turning their backs against the maximum city. The last 24 hours were all the worse for Mumbai as rains reduced even more.

In a span of 24 hours from 8:30 am on Tuesday, the Santa Cruz observatory recorded a mere 0.4 mm of rain. The situation wasn’t great at Colaba either with rainfall amount being at 2 mm.

The off shore trough which was running from Maharashtra coast up to Kerala is now running from Karnataka to Kerala Coast which is why Mumbai rains have taken a backseat.

As per weathermen at Skymet, similar weather conditions will prevail over Mumbai during the next 24 hours. Monsoon showers will be light in nature and heavy rains are expected to not make an appearance.

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However, after 24 hours, Mumbai rains are expected to revive and good showers may make an appearance over the city of dreams. The well-marked low pressure area which is over Northeast Madhya Pradesh and adjoining Uttar Pradesh is expected to move towards West Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat region.

With this, wind speed over Mumbai and adjoining areas will increase and strong southwesterly winds will blow over the region. Thus, moisture incursion is expected to increase resulting a few good spells of rainfall over Mumbai. While torrential rains will not make a comeback over Mumbai, good showers will keep Mumbaikars happy.

Image credit: Radhika Batra

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