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No comeback of cold wave conditions this season

February 2, 2023 11:22 AM |

In the month of January, many parts of the country, particularly the northern regions observed severe to very severe cold wave conditions with minimum temperatures going way below 5° celsius. In fact, some parts of Rajasthan also recorded the minimum temperature going below the 0° mark and resulting in shivering conditions.

However, those days of extremely cold weather seem to be over now. Days will come now when no weather activity will be seen. There is a depression in the south and a western disturbance in the north which will continue to give some weather until February 4. From February 5, nil weather activity will be observed for at least a week. Lean weather period will be seen for the entire country.

With this, winds will be stronger for the northern parts, which may induce a little chill. Minimum temperatures in some areas may be in the single digit.

However, as far as cold wave conditions are concerned, there is not likely to be any such weather activity which will result in the reduction of minimums to that extent. Therefore, it is safe to say that cold wave conditions have finally bid adieu to the country until the next season. We again reiterate that minimums may go in single digit but the possibility of cold wave conditions making a comeback are highly unlikely now.

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