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On and off rains in Pune to keep weather pleasant

July 18, 2018 6:20 PM |

Pune p

The city of Pune in comparison to the coastal parts of Maharashtra receives less rainfall. The reason for less rainfall activity over Pune can be attributed to the location of the city. Pune lies on the lee side of the Ghats. Therefore, any system which effects the West Coast does not give rainfall over Pune.


The city of Pune receives rain from systems forming in the Bay of Bengal and reaching upto the central parts of the country.

Even then the month of July is the rainiest month for the city of Pune wherein the city receives 187.2 mm of rainfall.

Throughout the Monsoon season, Pune witnesses pleasant weather conditions as weather usually remain cloudy. The city does witness rains on a usual basis, but they are on the lighter side.

This time also, Pune has recorded rains almost daily until today except a couple of occasions. Rains have been mostly light but there hasn't been a long dry spell over the city.

The maximum temperatures are running in the mid 20s and the diurnal variation is also less with minimum in the early twenties. With this weather continues to remain pleasant in the city of Pune.

As per weathermen at Skymet Weather, on and off rains are expected to continue over the city of Pune and will remain on the lighter side.


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