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Rajasthan to Endure Searing Heat for 3 More Days, Relief Expected Later:

May 25, 2024 9:44 AM |

Northwestern India has been gripped by a severe heatwave for the past week, with Rajasthan bearing the brunt of the scorching temperatures. Eight out of the ten hottest cities in the country are currently in Rajasthan, with Phalodi recording a staggering 49 degrees Celsius, just shy of 50 degrees.

This extreme heat is attributed to several factors. Hot and dry westerly winds are blowing across the region, originating from areas like Sindh, Balochistan, and the Thar desert. These winds travel through areas where the temperatures are reaching 50 degrees likeJakobabad in Pakistan reached a scorching 50 degrees Celsius, further intensifying the heat. Additionally, the lack of pre-monsoon activity and clear skies have allowed temperatures to rise unchecked. Typically, pre-monsoon showers in April and May help regulate temperatures, but the past week has seen no significant rainfall in northwestern India.

While there's no forecast for pre-monsoon showers, a change in wind direction may bring some relief starting May 28th. The hot westerly winds are expected to shift to southwesterly winds, bringing in cooler air from the Arabian Sea. While temperatures won't drop dramatically and will likely stay above 40 degrees Celsius, this shift should provide a noticeable respite from the current oppressive conditions.

Looking ahead, the southwest monsoon is expected to arrive in Kerala by June 1st. However, Rajasthan will have to wait a while longer. The monsoon typically reaches southeastern Rajasthan by June 25th and takes until July 8th to cover the entire state. This means Rajasthanis can expect to endure the hot weather for at least the next 20 days, with only occasional monsoon showers offering temporary relief. True respite won't come until the end of June when the monsoon arrives in full force.

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