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Unseasonal Mumbai rains likely to come up soon

November 21, 2023 3:28 PM |

The city of Mumbai, which becomes silent after the withdrawal of Southwest Monsoon is all set to see some unseasonal rainfall activity.

In Mumbai after the withdrawal of the Monsoon, rains become far and few. In fact, only when some system or a trough forms, the city sees rains and that too mostly in the month of November. Starting from December until April, Mumbai remains practically dry.

Now, an easterly trough causing rains along the Tamil Nadu coast is drifting from east to west and will come over Kerala and adjoining areas soon. Due to the extension of the trough, Mumbai is expected to see some rainfall activity between November 25 and 26.

Clouding is expected to be seen on November 24th as well. Good showers may be seen across the city on both November 25 and 26, with the reduction being on November 27th. The clearance is expected around November 28th with 29th seeing the final clearance.

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