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Weather highlights of March 2020: India rain surplus by 47% in March

April 2, 2020 3:18 PM |
Madhya Pradesh rains

The first month of the monsoon season that is March, ended with a surplus of 47% for the country. If we see region-wise rain figures, then central India has received large excess rainfall with the surplus rain of 219%. Followed by Northwest India which has received 75% excess rain. South Peninsula remained rain deficient by 11%. East and northeast India have not received enough rain during March and this region remained deficient by 26%.

The excess rainfall over North West and Central India can be attributed to a large number of Western disturbances. All together 7 western disturbances have approached Western Himalayas during the month of March. Out of which four Western disturbances were intense. Now the last intense Western disturbance is over Jammu and Kashmir, which will continue to give rain and snow activities until April 2nd over hills and scattered rains over plains.

In Northwest India, almost all the metrological divisions remained large excess. In Central India, all the Meteorological divisions have received large excess rainfall except for Konkan and Goa which is deficient why 99% and Saurashtra and Kutch remained deficient by 16%.

In East India, Jharkhand, Bihar and Gangetic West Bengal ended with large surplus rain. All the states of North East India remained large deficient.

In the South Peninsula, Tamil Nadu and Karaikal remind large deficient by 80% followed by Rayalaseema with a deficiency of 30% and South interior Karnataka remained deficient by 24%.

The month of March recorded widespread rains over Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra. Gujarat also experienced unseasonal rains on a few occasions.

These unseasonal rains were instrumental in damaging the standing the Rabi crops over North West, Central, and East India. This is the peak harvest season for Rabi crops in many parts of the country the crop of wheat, gram, mustard, and lentils are ready for harvest in Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Central parts of the country.

Present western disturbance is expected to affect only the northern parts of Punjab and Haryana. The weather of Central India, as well as northern plains, will remain dry. We do not expect any significant weather activity over central parts of the country in the coming days. Therefore, now chances of the crop damage are minimal.

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