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Health care tips for your child during Monsoon

August 2, 2013 11:42 AM |

Getting wet in the rain during the monsoon can make you fall ill as this season is best suited for the growth of bacteria and viruses. Needless to say, kids remain most vulnerable during this season and we should be on our toes to protect them from the vagaries of weather. So below are some useful tips that will help you keep your child fit during the monsoon season.


Keep your children’s room clean and dry. Maintain normal room temperature and keep their rooms ventilated during the day time. Close all the doors and windows at evening to prevent mosquitoes and other insects from entering your house. Do not switch on ACs in the monsoon as it makes the room temperature low thus providing perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. Use mosquito nets in kid’s room instead of mosquito coils.


Give your child a hot bath during the monsoon. It makes them feel fresh and relaxed. Add few drops of antiseptic liquid in their bath water. Maintain their feet clean and dry.


Wear dry clothes in the monsoon. Even slightly wet clothe can make your child catch flu.


Serve moderately hot food for your child. Avoid eating outside especially roadside food during the season.


Make sure your child’s school bag, rain coat and playing items are dry and clean.

Despite of all these measures if your kid falls ill, keep flu medicines at home to give it to your child.




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