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Weather Forecast for Andhra Pradesh for Dec 27: Dry weather in Andhra, cool nights in Rayalaseema

December 26, 2016 3:28 PM |


Dry weather is expected to continue across Andhra Pradesh. Day temperatures are settling 3 to 4°C above normal while minimum temperatures are settling 2 to 3°C below normal across Rayalaseema.
Northeasterly winds will continue to blow over most parts of the state.

Clear sky with bright sunshine and maximums around 30 to 31°C is likely across several areas.

Coastal Andhra Pradesh will have comfortable nights. Rayalaseema is also expected to witness cool nights.

Let us now have a look at temperatures. Visakhapatnam is likely to observe a maximum temperature of 30 degrees, while minimum will settle around 20. Kurnool would witness maximum and minimum temperatures around 32 and 16 degrees, respectively.


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