United Kingdom rains
Election weather in United Kingdom to be rainy, icy and windy
December 12, 2019
Election Day may see some rains for parts of United Kingdom
December 11, 2019
Britain to stay prepared for strong winds, rains and squall
October 7, 2016
Rains in UK likely to alter weekend plans
September 22, 2016
Britain hit by severe storm from Hurricane Hermine
September 10, 2016
Heatwave in UK: A talk of the past; good rains likely
August 19, 2016
Heatwave abatement just around the corner for Britain
August 17, 2016
Britain to brace for more rains in another 24 hours
August 2, 2016
Rainy spells and gusty winds threaten The British Open
July 13, 2016