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Facts about weather in Delhi during March in last five years

March 7, 2014 4:23 PM |

Coldest Day

Coldest day in last five years was recorded on 2nd March, 2014 when the maximum temperature in Delhi was recorded at 20.5°C.

Coldest Morning

The coldest morning recorded in last five years was on 2nd March, 2014, at 10°C.

Warmest Day

The warmest day in Delhi was observed on 21st March 2010, at 39.2°C

Warmest Morning

In last five years, 2nd March, 2010 recorded the warmest morning in Delhi with a minimum of 23.1°C.

Warmest March

March 2010 is considered as the warmest March in last five years with an average day temperature of 34.1°C. The lowest average minimum temperature recorded in March was 15.2°C, in 2012.

Highest rain in 24 hours

Highest rainfall in a span of 24 hours in the month of March in last five years was recorded on 1st March, 2014 when 10 mm of rain occurred. The previous highest was 4.3 mm, recorded on 28th March, 2013.

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