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Immigration to Australia: features and opportunities 

November 2, 2021 10:30 AM |

Immigration to Australia

Australia continues to be in the TOP-5 countries in terms of living standards, salaries, housing affordability, education and medical care. A highly developed socially oriented state is attracting more and more people from all over the world to make immigration Australia and obtain citizenship. The country has developed a special program, according to which people who are really significant for the country can immigrate to Australia. The immigration program provides an opportunity to migrate to Australia for everyone acting as true professionals in their field. The advantage of an independent immigration program, first of all, is that you can obtain emigrant status even without having relatives living in Australia or working under a contract in an Australian public or private institution.

Australia: how to migrate?

There are several points that should be taken into consideration before thinking about immigration Au:

•  A wife and a husband, as well as their children who have not reached the age of eighteen and are not married, can apply for permanent resident status.

•  The Independent Immigration Program in immigration office in Australia has a special point scale. The minimum passing score is 60. Points are awarded for the immigrant's age, education, specialty, existing qualifications, work experience, level of knowledge of the English language and other criteria.

•  In order to try your luck in an independent immigration program, you should have a secondary special or higher education in a specialty listed in the list of professions that are really in demand in Australia. You may find this list on the website of the Australian dept of immigration.

The survey makes it possible to realistically assess your potential chances of moving to Australia. The maximum number of points, by the way, is 140. Also, a person whose age is from 25 to 40 years old, for example, has a greater chance of getting permanent residence in Australia than a person whose age is close to 50 years.

How to be an immigrant in Australia?

Some people compare the program of immigration Australia with the same program in Canada. However, unlike the latter, the first one has a number of advantages. Firstly, you will not have to deposit money in the account in order to confirm financial solvency, which makes it possible, even in the absence of financial resources, to apply for the status of a permanent resident of Australia. Secondly, the process of immi Australian lasts no more than one year, while in Canada it may take three years before a candidate is granted a permanent resident status. Also, there are several variants of professional immigration Australia:

•  independent professional immigration;

•  nominated;

•  nominated sponsorship.

The first two categories make it possible to obtain a permanent resident visa for any Australian state or city. The nominated sponsorship enables you to live in a certain region and choose any city in this region except the largest ones. A temporary visa Australian immigration is issued for 4 years. However, it is enough to live in the region for two years to obtain a permanent resident visa.

Requirements for applicants wishing to obtain Australian visa immigration

A lot of people are asked how to migrate to Australia and what requirements they should follow. We have chosen the main rules to simplify your immigration:

•  The person must be under 50 years of age.

•  Good communicative and language skills (including passing IELTS or TOEFL test). On a nine-point scale, at least 6 points should be scored for testing in language proficiency. This is the only way to say that the applicant will be able to migrate to Australia.

•  Specialty that is significant for the Australian state.

If at least one of the above points does not meet the requirements of immigration Australia, it will be impossible to obtain a visa and move to the country of your dream. Hence, think of your decision in detail and make the right choice!

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